1、Radio 单选按钮,一般用来表现一些简单的信息 常用属性: value:单选的值 groupValue:多个按钮选择组的值 activeColor:点击颜色变化 onChanged:点击事件 2、RadioListTile 包含更多信息的单选项,提供多种配置信息的属性,可以表现更丰富的信息。 value:单选的值 groupValue:多个按钮选择组的值 onChanged:点击事件 activ...
RadioListTile是Flutter中的一个复选框列表项,用于在多个选项中选择一个。 当在List.generate函数中使用RadioListTile时,可能会遇到无法正常工作的问题。这可能是由于以下原因导致的: 值未正确绑定:RadioListTile需要一个值来确定当前选中的选项。在List.generate函数中生成的RadioListTile列表中,需要为每个RadioListTile提...
TheRadioListTileis nothing but aListTilecontaining a radio button by default. If we tap anywhere on the list tile it will select the radio button. RadioListTile can be used as a child of listview. For example, If we want the users to choose a single option from a list of options we ca...
42 changes: 42 additions & 0 deletions 42 packages/flutter/test/material/radio_list_tile_test.dart Original file line numberDiff line numberDiff line change @@ -1588,4 +1588,46 @@ void main() { final Offset offsetPlatform = tester.getTopLeft(platform); expect(offsetPlatform, const Offset...
如何解决Flutter使用permission_handler插件无法获取写入权限的问题 如何解决Flutter使用platformview嵌入高德地图发生crash的问题 如何解决Flutter无法打开HarmonyOS应用市场更新APP的问题 如何解决Flutter的video_player插件播放本地视频失败问题 如何解决RN中Linking组件无法跳转浏览器的问题 react-native-vector-icons组件开...
Flutter package to create list of radio button, by providing a list of objects it can be a String list or list of Map 30 November 2021 Music A radio player mobile application which streams audio from Radio Sai Global Harmony A radio player which streams audio from Radio Sai Global Harmony....
This tutorial shows you how to create a radio group using the Radio widget in Flutter. If you have a list of options where a user can only select one of them at the same time, it's quite common to create a radio group consisting of several radio buttons. A radio button usually uses...
ExpansionPanelList 是承载折叠框的一个父类控件。 1. ExpansionPanel ExpansionPanel 定义 ExpansionPanel({requiredthis.headerBuilder,requiredthis.body,this.isExpanded=false,this.canTapOnHeader=false,this.backgroundColor,}) ExpansionPanel 属性 2. ExpansionPanelRadio ...
Either the assertion indicates an error in the framework itself, or we should provide substantially more information in this error message to help you determine and fix the underlying cause. In either case, please report this assertion by filing a bug on GitHub: https://github.com/flutter/...