ham Radio Repeaters, manufacturers category is a curation of 18 web resources on , Intuitive Circuits, LLC., Ham Stack, NHRC Repeater Controllers. Resources listed under Radio Repeaters category belongs to Manufacturers main collection, and get reviewed
M1HOG - Amateur Radio construction projects including QRP, homebrew and kits. Special event operating across the UK.
QRZ Ham Radio CD-ROM- US, Canadian, UK and Italian Call Signs RAC -- Radio Amateur Call Book 2002 : Includes International and North American Listings Buy the Book Today! SGC Communications Solder-it Co. Homepage Test Equipment Calibration-- OpLink Solutions -- Repair and refurbish electronic ...
General interest,Ham radio information,Hosting services,Online Receivers... Operating Awards,Beacons,Beginners,DXing,History,Modes,Repeaters,Short Wave Listening... Personal Home Pages Blogs,European Hams,Oceania Hams,UK Hams,USA Hams... Radios ...
purple slaves, to 72kHz (5f) Llancarfan 0.073 ex UK Ham 4km band ( 71.6= - 74.4= kHz) ** UK only, 1996 until 30.jun.2003 ** 0.084=..ex Decca Nav. masters, to 86= kHz (6f) Bolberry Down (f=14.046666.) 0.100 NELS Loran-C Navigation. 4MW pulsed. Loophead,Lessay,Sylt,...
Marconi Net February 8th. Linking repeaters in the US with one in the UK on Saturday, February 8th, at 11 AM. The Marconi Net is a cooperation between GOTAhams and theIsle of Wight Radio Society, UK. The WG6OTA repeater on Sunset Ridge, North of Claremont, in Southern California, will...
DX-Tron ★ ARLog2 Ham Maps DX Cluster Search DX Map Hot DX DXpeds Last 24h Users only IOTA only SOTA only VLF only QRP only COTA only YOTA only WWFF only LH only HQ-Stations Field-Day Internal Resources Greyline Timezones DL DOKs Prefixes RU Oblasts IOTA SOTA Repeaters Manuals Mirrors...
FRAM2 HAM competition Jan 11, 2025 jland138 Digital Voice for Amateur Use Discuss use of digital voice technologies on the amateur radio bands. This is to include technologies such as VoIP, P25, DMR/TRBO, NXDN, D-STAR, etc. Threads 1.1K Messages 13.4K A IC-F3400DT with NXDN/MMDVM...
Ham Radio Operators Serving During California Firestorms Consultation Which Seeks to Simplify the Licensing of Amateur Radio Visitors to the UK Ham Radio Ireland, The Digital Magazine, Is Back Girls Missed the Bus - Helped by Hams DMR Radios Open Up The World To Students in India ...
I also monitor a dozen repeaters on two metres each week. I am now on 40 meters, 20 meters, 2 meters, 135 cm band, 73 cm Band and D-STAR Reflectors at home. Here is a quick list of all legal frequencies here in the United States:Amateur (HAM) Frequencies You will quickly notice...