国际民航公约附件10卷5-Aeronautical-Radio-Frequency-Spectrum-Utillzatlon.pdf,International Standards and Recommended Practices Annex 10 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation Aeronautical Telecommunications Volume V Aeronautical Radio Frequency
VolumeV,AeronauticalRadioFrequencySpectrumUtilization OrderNumber:AN10-5 ISBN978-92-9249-249-6 ©ICAO2013 Allrightsreserved.Nopartofthispublicationmaybereproduced,storedina retrievalsystemortransmittedinanyformorbyanymeans,withoutprior permissioninwritingfromtheInternationalCivilAviationOrganization. (iii) AMENDMENT...
Rf Pulses for Multiple Frequency Excitation: Theory and Application S. Müller Pages 171-198 Spectrum Analysis Front Matter Pages 199-199 Download chapterPDF Analysis of NMR Data Using Time Domain Fitting Procedures R. de Beer, D. van Ormondt ...
Coherent low-frequency (≲200 MHz) radio emission from stars encodes the conditions of the outer corona, mass-ejection events and space weather1,2,3,4,5. Previous low-frequency searches for radio-emitting stellar systems have lacked the sensitivity to detect the general population, instead la...
In the spectrum, the transmitted signals are centred close to the carrier frequency with a width (instantaneous bandwidth) of approximately double the baseband. Annotating the two mixtures with \({M}_{1}\) and \({M}_{2}\) and the two sources with \({S}_{1}\) and \({S}_{2}\)...
The reconfigurability in Cognitive Radio (CR) facilitates to dynamically change its parameters for the efficient spectrum utilization. The motivation behind the study of cognitive radio is that the number of different radio signals can be handled without
A spectrometer with nm-resolution is used to measure the emission spectrum of both kinds of lumines- cence. In time-resolved studies, we use photo-multiplier tubes (PMTs) to measure the duration of crystal scintillation. Details of the experimental set-up are given in the Methods Section. VUV...
Temporal trends of radio-frequency electromagnetic field (RF-EMF) exposure in everyday environments across European cities Environ. Res., 134 (2014), pp. 134-142 View PDFView articleView in ScopusGoogle Scholar Vermeeren et al., 2013 G. Vermeeren, I. Markakis, F. Goeminne, T. Samaras, L...
In this paper, we propose a new indirect method for constructing the radio frequency layer of radio environment map (RF-REM) called self-tuning method (STM). The proposed STM takes into account the characteristics of the operating environment and performs estimation of the transmitter parameters, ...
one can inspect those tones that are located at frequencies multiple of the basic FSR: the higher the multiple order, the larger the tone's frequency shift. Because the laser radiofrequency spectrum takes the form of a frequency comb, when the frequency shift of a given tone exceeds the tone...