Who'll stop the rain? the Luftwaffe's night-fighter command-and-control system in WWII More results ► Encyclopedia browser ? ▲ radio antenna radio approach aids radio astrometry radio astronomy Radio Astrophysical Observatory radio atmometer radio attenuation radio aurora radio autopilot coupler radi...
radio compass- a direction finder that gives a bearing by determining the direction of incoming radio signals direction finder- radio; determines the direction of incoming radio waves Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc. ...
Although this is a convenient way of sending messages without any knowledge of morse code, it is still fairly slow compared to a burst transmission and therefore a potential candidate for radio direction finding. 3. Automatic transmission The best and certainly the safest way of sending ...
AAFRADIOby Mike, KC4TOS:WWII Airborne Communications Equipmentalternate link Military Radio Collectors' Association Military Radio Collectors' Group- photos by Richard Dillman, W6AWO Phil's AN/GRR-5 HF Receiver Page Al Klase, N3FRQ's "Skywaves" Site- communications receivers, military radio etc. ...
are typical of the HF and VHF communications equipment in use on the DEW and Pinetree Lines during the bunker’s early operational period. The BC-610 Transmitter and National NC-2-40D receiver are examples of WWII communications equipment still in widespread use during the early days of the bu...
I'm trying to track down an old news bulletin from WWII, probably late 1944, that commended Minnesota members of the army (7th Army, Company A of the 335th specifically) as they returned home. It was on WCCO. I've reached out to them a few times to ask if they keep an archive ...
Discontinued during WWII and started all over again after the war. In 1938, Amateurs lose the exclusive use of 40 meters, to be shared with SWL Broadcasters. The FCC grants two new bands, 2 1/2 meters (112 Mc) and 1 1/4 meters (224 Mc)....
(FFP) were important events in the GRT planning in the 1950s. On 29 July 1954, while in London, Pawsey asked Sir Henry Tizard, the WWII radar pioneer, for assistance in finding the “best engineers in England from whom to ask advice …” Tizard was uncertain and proposed to “consult...
1998’s Academy Award Best Feature Documentary, THE LAST DAYS, filmed in five countries, traces the compelling experiences of five Hungarian Holocaust survivors who fell victim to Hitler’s brutal war against the Jews during the final days of WWII. Including newly discovered historical footage and ...
There is a human side to this whole thing. Let’s say that Gaston Mooney and Gavin McInnes were working in Germany during WWII. The law said “Turn in a Jewish Family and you’ll be rewarded.” You (CRTV) would turn in a Jewish family for your own personal gain. You wouldn’t thi...