call sign or call signal n (Broadcasting) a group of letters and numbers identifying a radio transmitting station, esp an amateur radio station. Comparecall letters Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003,...
Call Sign a set of characters (code symbols, letters, or numbers) or an audible signal (word, musical phrase, bird call) that serves as the distinctive sign of a radio station—usually for the purpose of identification of the station during reception. As a rule, it is transmitted at the...
Ham Radio Call Signs By Ham Radio Prep In this guide: A ham radio call sign is a unique identifier that is assigned to an amateur radio operator. It is used to identify the operator and their location, and is typically a combination of letters and numbers. For example, a common format...
CB Radio DXCC 11 Metre Band DX Division Country Prefix Numbers List 11m 27MHz CB QSO DX Logbook ENTRY – NO LOGIN! BIG Advantage of using this Secure CB DX Logbook System is your CB Callsign is now Searchable! This includes on the web by Google, but YOUR EMAIL cannot be seen or scr...
5 Free Amateur Radio Logbook Programs Worth a Try Insights 5 Free Virtual Audio Cable Software Inside DXZone 5 Simple Multiband Wire Antennas Best QSO mapping tools to display contacts 9 Simple J Pole Antenna Projects How to remote your radio ...
(radiotelephone Call using one of the numbers ReadS); an energy source for generating a Predetermined Voltage; and interface Circuits connected to the media, Radio Call, The Cellular transceiver and Power Source.Taking the interface Circuits of voltage control means to a Predetermined Lower Voltage ...
Penal Code Numbers (often used across CA as dispatch codes) 148 Resisting Arrest 459 Burglary 148.1 Making A False Bomb Threat 466 Possession Of Burglary Tools 148.4 Tampering With Fire Alarms 470 Forgery 148.5 Making A False Police Report 476a Check Fraud 187 Homicide 484b-i Credit Card Fraud...
One theory is that the signal is from a numbers station, which is a radio station set up to send coded messages via numbers or using voice, Morse code, or other digital code. These stations grew in popularity at the tail end of World War I. During the Cold War, they were a useful ...
List of radio stations playing a primarily classic rock format, including call letters and numbers when available. This guide answers the question, "Which ...
The first letter of your tail number indicates the country prefix (typically leave this letter out of the call sign in your registered country) ITU Prefix 3. Communicating Letters and Numbers Communicating Clearly and Effectively Using standard phraseology, terminology, and pronunciation ...