This is taking soap opera too far! I'm an Archers fan. Like many others, I started feeling...RigbyFarmer, GilesUniversidad Tecnológica De Pereira
ARCHERS.RAW | Two episodes of The Archers, Radio 4, October 2014 (Link) ARGENTIN.RAW | Cadena 3, Argentina (Link) BAMOKO.RAW | Dounia 105.4 FM, Bamako, Mali JAMAICA.RAW | Power 106 Kingston Jamaica JAMAICA2.RAW | Jamaican roots station Springline Radio ( ...
The Archers' Angus Stobie on George's fate: 'Prison might make him worse' When is Johnnie Walker leaving BBC Radio 2 and who is taking over? David Morrissey on Hard Times and Dickens: "He would be surprised how little has changed"
10 45 am and 7 45 pm, 13 September to 8 October, BBC Radio 4What do everyday country folk make of the Archers? Do they mutter about Tony's planting decisions, spot inconsistencies in the interpretation of MAFF rulings? Or do they just enjoy the story? NHS "insiders" may want to ...
TONY SHRYANE was the quiet genius behind the crucial early years of what is now (and will almost certainly for ever be) the longest- running radio drama serial in the history of sound broadcasting: the BBC's The Archers, "an everyday story of country folk" in the fantasy village of ...