radicle的趨勢 廣告僅供參考,由機器翻譯系統提供。查看原文,請訪問:Etymology, origin and meaning of radicle 廣告 radicle附近的字典條目 radically radicalness radicand radicant radicate radicle radicular radio radio- radioactive radioactivity 連結論壇完整來源列表連結產品iOS 應用程式Android 應用程式Chrome 擴充功能...
a rudimentary root; radicel or rootlet. Chemistry.(formerly)radical(def15). Anatomy.a small rootlike part or structure, as the beginning of a nerve or vein. Discover More Word History and Origins Origin ofradicle1 1665–75;<Latinrādīculasmall root, equivalent torādīc-(stem ofrādīx)root...
The meaning of RADICLE is the lower part of the axis of a plant embryo or seedling. How to use radicle in a sentence.