1. Simplifying Expressions with Integral Exponents- defines exponents and shows how to use them when multiplying or dividing in algebra. 2. Fractional Exponents- shows how an fractional exponent means a root of a number 3. Simplest Radical Form- this technique can be useful when simplifying algebr...
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主题 全键盘 x2x□log□√☐□√☐≤≥□□·÷x◦π (☐)′ddx∂∂x∫∫□□lim∑∞θ(f◦g)f(x) ∑∫∏ ∫ ′∫∑ ∫∫∫∑∏ ′′′ lcmgcf因数长加法科学计算器 查看所有 例题 42·42 (3a2)3 2223