Radicals and Rational Exponents Write each expression in radical form. 1) 7 1 2 7 2) 4 4 3 ( 3 4 ) 4 3) 2 5 3 ( 3 2 ) 5 4) 7 4 3 ( 3 7 ) 4 5) 6 3 2 ( 6 ) 3 6) 2 1 6 6 2 Write each expression in exponential form. 7) ( 10 ) 3 10 3 2 8) 6 2 ...
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, cube root, fourth root, fifth root and higher-order roots. the radical defines the root, which is mathematically opposite to the exponents. in maths, the square root is considered as the smallest radical, which is represented by the symbol √. the next radical is called cube root, ...
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