The Radical AR-15 was quickly sticking up as a favorite for recreational rifle and just maybe it could be a front-line rifle as well. I added a Delta V trigger system at the urging of an AR-15 enthusiast. By that, I mean a fellow who loves the AR like I do but knows more about...
tTalhliezactriyosntaflrloinme ascaemtopnlietsrifleo.r the physical measurements below were obtaiAnendalb. yCraelcrdy.stFaollrizCat4i0oHn22fFreoNm8NacieOto2Sn4i:trCil,e.54.01%; H, 2.49%; N, 12.60%. Found: C, 53.91%; H, 2.69%A; nNa,l.1C2.a4l0c%d.. For C40H22FeN8NiO2S4:...