Move tutor com "Egg Moves"Revanche dos líderes valendo Mega StoneDay Care em Cerulean pode segurar dois pokémons机翻:物理分区/特殊类型精灵大进化Z-移动等级上升到250可重用TM和TM扩展电动汽车的培训机制口袋妖怪到第八代所有口袋妖怪的体验隐藏的技能昼夜制右导航系统繁殖项目(口袋妖怪繁殖)如命运结,埃弗斯...
keep in mind that the pokemart isn’t the only place you can spend money. The Radical Red Kanto region is full of plenty of NPCs selling their wares, special moves, and more, all of whom are looking to line their pockets with your hard-earned cash. ...
对于“侦探”这一题材,我接触得不多, 分享25赞 布莱恩考克斯吧 他his头发hair 【COX】布莱恩考克斯教授风采 分享49赞 口袋改版资源吧 薄纱た童话 【改版发布】Pokemon Radical Red以下是YouTube原文及机翻: Divis?o físico / especial + tipo fada Mega Evolu??o Z-Moves Level vai até 250 TM's reutiliz...