The meaning of RADICAL MASTECTOMY is a mastectomy in which the breast tissue, associated skin, nipple, areola, axillary lymph nodes, and pectoral muscles are removed —called also Halsted radical mastectomy.
This has the same meaning: (51/3)1/4=(5)1/(12)(51/3)1/4=(5)1/(12) In words, we would say: "The 4th root of the 3rd root of 55 is equal to the 12th root of 55". The n-th Root of a Over the n-th Root of b is the n-th Root of a/b...
The word aesthetic by its very meaning is “concerned with beauty or the appreciation of beauty” and more openly, “a set of principles underlying and guiding the work of a particular artist or artistic movement.” Our numerous discussions naturally shifted to the present and understanding of ...
There’s power and inherent meaning in sounds— their placement, repetition and patterning. It’s why we love music. A well composed tune can bring a brute to his knees or lift the darkest heart.” I liked where his explanation was leading and I told him so. He took that as an excuse...
“exclusionary”. Nor is it a slur to call someone radical or to call them a feminist. So when you break down the meaning of TERF it becomes possible to use the term TERM in a non inflammatory manner to describe those people who identify as feminists with a “radical” bent who want ...
In other words, can one express individualism in a community? Can we maintain individualism and speak the truth while being part of a community? I think this comes down to what “community” means (and that this meaning is the sharing of Being—as Nancy would say). Does a community ...
(i.e., the removal of very common words or those with little meaning such as “the”); stemming, where words are stripped to their base by removing verb and adverb suffixes (e.g., “ed” and “ly”); and lemmatization, where inflicted versions of words are converted to their neutral...
And you think about the care personally line, that vertical line, I would say in the middle of the line is basically respect. Respect meaning unconditional regard for the other person’s humanity, for your shared humanity with that person. And that’s the line beneath which you don’t ...
(Phillippians 2:3), we must really pursue humility in our actions and speech, and search out the true meaning of empathy. When someone can truly feel the pain of another member in the community and beyond, I believe these are real signs that a person is genuine. If empathy and humility...
Seller is indeed tautological here, but more importantly, is the meaning of the predicate itself. What exactly is the relationship between judging a headache and being aware of it, as Sellor sees it here? For headache is a physiological state that we frame in language, and that physiological...