Mitomycin C (MMC), a quinone-containing antitumor drug, has been shown to alkylate DNA and to form DNA cross-links. The ability of MMC to alkylate O 6-guanine and to form interstrand cross-links (ISC) has been studied using Mer + and Mer human embryonic cells. Mer + (IMR-90) cells...
Disclosed is a free radical polymerization process for the preparation of a thermoplastic resin or resins comprising heating a mixture of a free radical initiator, a stable free radical agent, and at least one polymerizable monomer compound to form a thermoplastic resin or resins with a high ...
An important paper describing another form of cyclooxygenase, COX3. CAS PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar Hofseth, L. J., Hussain, S. P., Wang, X. W. & Harris, C. C. in Gastrointestinal Oncology: Principles and Practice 539–558 (Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia, 2002)....
Acrylic monomers are known to undergo autoinitiation at high temperatures (>200 °C) via a Flory-type autoinitiation mechanism, whereby two monomers react via an open-shell singlet pathway to form diradical species (Fig. 5a)37,39,40,41. However, autoinitiation at lower temperatures has ...
Does hostility to neoliberalism necessarily reflect an advanced form of class consciousness, or could it signify a limited form of group consciousness, rooted in sectional occupational interests?doi:10.1111/bjir.12107John KellyBirkbeckBritish Journal of Industrial Relations...
(NSABP-RTOG) cooperative groups opened a phase III trial comparing whole-breast radiation therapy to some form of partial-breast radiation. The partial-breast treatment will be delivered using brachytherapy catheters, MammoSite balloon, or external three-dimensional conformal treatment. Randomization to ...
there was a commitment to self-reflection and critique. Acknowledging that participation itself constitutes a form of power, participatory theory helped navigate pitfalls that “participation hides and maintains a set of power relations” [21] (pp. 11). As the process is taken up, risk of ‘dis...
process, two molecules of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the cell’s main storage molecule for potential energy, form. In ATP, potential energy resides in what are called “high energy phosphate” chemical bonds, where it is held in reserve until released. I might add that biochemists consider...
The bicyclic structure is formed from a cyclic radical inter- mediate common to the monocyclic unit.5 There- fore, bicyclic unit S55-7 and S55-8 must be form- Polymer J., Vol. 13, No.7, 1981 661 M. TSUKINO and T. KUNITAKE l44.3(n) (k) 102.l(m) 8.4(a) 80 40 ppm from ...
Noteworthy is that Ag2CO3 was used to improve the product yield of the intramolecular aminofluoroalkylation reaction in racemic form under photoredox catalysis37. Its good performance compared with other inorganic bases might be due to the generation of the highly insoluble AgCl and weaker carbonic ...