Define antiradical. antiradical synonyms, antiradical pronunciation, antiradical translation, English dictionary definition of antiradical. adj 1. opposed to radicalism 2. med acting against free radicals Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabri
This book focuses on radical Left parties in government and the impact of governing on their radical character. The introductory section considers, first, issues related to the conceptualization and definition of radical Left parties, one of the most important being the European integration project. ...
2024 Elphaba is radicalized into terrorism when her favorite college professor, the Goat and Animal rights agitator Doctor Dillamond, is assassinated by the government. Constance Grady, Vox, 20 Nov. 2024 In scenes eerily reminiscent of the Jan. 6 riots, Bolsonaro’s supporters stormed Brazilian ...
2radical/ˈrædɪkəl/noun pluralradicals Britannica Dictionary definition of RADICAL [count] :a person who favors extreme changes in government:a person who has radical political opinions He was aradicalwhen he was young, but now he's much more moderate....
The meaning of RADICAL is of, relating to, or proceeding from a root. How to use radical in a sentence.
radical meaning, definition, what is radical: a radical change or difference is very b...: Learn more.
(Politics) One who advocates radical changes in government or social institutions, especially such changes as are intended to level class inequalities; -- opposed to conservative. In politics they [the Independents] were, to use phrase of their own time. ``Root-and-Branch men,' or, to use...
In the termradical right, the wordradicalis used to mean extreme in the sense of holding extreme political views. Those thought to be members of theradical rightinclude fascists,neo-Nazis, and fringemilitiagroups who view any federal regulation or reforms as a form of government overreach intend...
Governmentto become radical or more radical, esp. in politics. Also,[esp. Brit.,]rad′i•cal•ise′. radical+ -ize1815–20 rad′i•cal•i•za′tion,n. Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers:: radicalize,radicalise/ˈrædɪkəˌlaɪz/vb(transiti...
Radicals are calling for an overthrow of the government. 其他翻译 英语中文 radicaln(chemistry: bound atoms)(化学)SCSimplified Chinese基,根jī,gēnalt那栏没写replace,所以怀疑不用替换。而且没有“基化学”,只有“自由基化学”,要 TCTraditional Chinese基,根 ...