Equally important as the transmission was to ensure continuous alignment with the distinctive ideology. Alignment was secured by ensuring workers’ identification with the distinctive process going on within the cooperative: their acceptance that the collective overrules private life: the strengthening of f...
The reported incidence of POGD in CRC radical surgery is notably higher due to specific procedures such as intestinal resection, splenic flexure mobilization, ostomy formation, and open surgical methods, with rates approximately ranging from 17.4 to 34.9% [10,11,12,13]. This has significant implic...
Finding acceptance in religious groups provides protection from perceived threat and buffering of social exclusion [27•]. Furthermore, perceived collective support for one’s valued identity and beliefs can motivate group members in developing aggressive behavior against other people. Research indicates ...
For this reason, removing surgical barriers to offer more women with EOC complete resection has been the logic extension of this theory and the main reason behind why ultra-radical surgery rapidly gained clinical acceptance despite the lack of strong evidence [24]. Today, the ultra-radical ...
gains of the working class over the past two decades is not simply aproduct of the mistaken policies or spinelessness of particular leaders.Rather, it expresses the historical dead-end of the political program oftrade unionism itself, which has its foundations in the acceptance of thewages ...
A Universal Basic Income (UBI) is a regular financial payment made to all eligible adults, whether they work or not, regardless of their other means, and without any conditionality whatever.
6:44 Vice President Mike Pence arrives to deliver his acceptance speech as the 2020 Republican vice presidential nominee during an event of the 2020 Republican National Convention held at Fort McHenry in Baltimore, Aug. 26, 2020.Jonathan Ernst/Reuters...
Accumulating evidence on the interrelation between inflammation and tumor behavior led to the acceptance that currently, inflammation is considered the “seventh sign” of cancer [41]. Therefore, the roles of inflammation and neutrophils in various diseases attract special attention from researchers. ...