heat transferradiative transfer/ A0560 Transport processes: theory A5130 Thermal properties of gasesradiative heat transfer between parallel plates and concentric cylindersdoi:10.1016/0017-9310(69)90030-1S.K. LoyalkaElsevier LtdInternational Journal of Heat & Mass Transfer...
Based on the experimental data, the radiant thermal conductivity between two concentric cylinders and spheres was calculated. The results show that the radiant thermal conductivity between two concentric spheres is about 50 percent higher than that between two cylinders....
concentric cylinders (the preformand furnace), with the pre- formhaving an arrangement of longitudinal holes. The tran- sient energy equation for this simplified system is thus: q 0 c p oT ot ¼ ÀrÁ ðÀj c rT þqÞ ð1Þ where T is temperature, t is time, q 0 ...
forconcentriccylindricalannulus.Fortherangeofparametersconsidered, resultsshowthatradiationenhanceheattransfer.ItisalsoindicatedintheresultsthatasincreasefwillbedecreaseandalsowhenRe increase/willbedecreaseforanyvalueofRacausingincreaseinheattransfer.Themaximumvalueoffcanberecognizedat :90。 andtheminimumvalueatfj= 0...
Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) are round and hollow formed cylinders with indispensable qualities like great thermal conductivity and huge power makes them exceptionally appealing constituents in fluctuated applications for instance enhancer, drug delivery, optics and semiconductors etc. CNTs can be single or mult...
Differences between radiative heat-transfer characteristics of the two basic non-planar systems (concentric cylinders and concentric spheres) are discussed.W.W.YuenandC.L.TienSDOSJournal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer
First, some preliminary calculations are given for the often treated radiative equilibrium cases of plane parallel plates and infinite concentric cylinders. Then an example of a combustion chamber calculation is studied where the radiative heat transfer calculation is included in a system of partial ...
Concentric cylindersPhase functionConvergence rateThe integro-differential radiative transfer equation (RTE) for concentric cylinders problem involving scattering, absorption and emission is solved using the discontinuous Galerkin (DG) finite element method (FEM). The space-angle DG method directly solves ...
stretching concentric cylinderstemperature-dependent viscosity and thermal conductivityNON-NEWTONIAN NANOFLUIDHEAT-TRANSFER ANALYSISCOAXIAL CYLINDERSVISCOUS-FLOWSIMULATIONFLUIDThe role of variable viscosity and variable thermal conductivity in nanofluid flows is significant, as they can strongly influence the flow ...
The effects of internal radiation on the solidification/melting of an absorbing, emitting, and isotropically scattering, finite, and semi-transparent gray phase change medium bounded between two concentric cylinders was studied. In this two-dimensional transient system, heat at the inner surface was ...