Summers GE, Mendenhall WM, Copeland EM: Update on the Uni- versity of Florida experience with local excision and postoperative radiation therapy for the treatment of early rectal carcinoma. Surg Oncol Clin North Am 1992;1:125-131.Summers G.E., Mendenhall W.M., Copeland E.M.: Update on ...
Homogeneity index IMRT: Intensity-modulated radiation therapy Mus: Monitor units NTCP: Normal tissue complication probability OAR: Organs at risk PTV: Planning target volume RT: Radiation therapy VMAT: Volumetric-modulated arc therapy ...
"When the C.F.O. of a New York company was diagnosed with a cancerous tumor at the base of his tongue," promotional material for the new accelerator stated, "he also learned that conventional radiation therapy could potentially cure him, but might also cause serious side effects." The ...
International Atomic Energy Agency (2001) IAEA-TECDOC-1223 Current status of neutron capture therapy. IAEA, Vienna, Austria Google Scholar Kankaanranta L, Seppälá T, Koivunoro H et al (2012) Boron neutron capture therapy in the treatment of locally recurred head-and-neck cancer: final an...
Ionizing radiation acoustic imaging (iRAI) allows online monitoring of radiation’s interactions with tissues during radiation therapy, providing real-time, adaptive feedback for cancer treatments. We describe an iRAI volumetric imaging system that enables mapping of the three-dimensional (3D) radiation ...
Patients without overt disease progression after 16–26 weeks of first-line systemic therapy will be randomized 1:1 to continuation of systemic therapy with or without TAT. The trial activated through the Cancer Trials Support Unit on January 10, 2023. The primary endpoint is OS. Secondary ...
The Radiation Therapy Oncology Group (RTOG) conducted a phase III randomized study (RTOG 93-05) for newly diagnosed glioblastoma to assess whether the addition of upfront stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS) improves patient outcome; the results suggested that an SRS boost does not significantly improve ...
We evaluated the long-term effect of stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT) for primary small hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) ineligible for local therapy or surgery. Forty-two HCC patients with tumors ≤ 100 cc and ineligible for local ablation thera
To translate and validate the Chinese version of the Quality Of Life Radiation Therapy Instrument and the Head & Neck Module (QOL-RTI/H&N), a disease-specific scale to measure quality of life (QOL) for patients with head and neck cancer (HNC) who
Chest CT and radiotherapy planning datasets were obtained (Fig.1b) retrospectively in patients who were treated with radiation therapy targets within the lung or hilar region at the University of Florida from 2003 to 2013. This study was performed under an UF Institutional Review Board (IRB-)-ap...