Patients with cancer have another tool in their toolbox for managing pain. Palliative radiation therapy is an effective option for relieving body aches associated with cancer. Dr. Adam Holtzman, a Mayo Clinic radiation oncologist, explains how innovation is improvingradiation therapy. Doctors often use...
Bone metastases are the most common cause of cancer-related pain. Radiation therapy (RT) is a very common and effective treatment to relieve pain. Conventionally fractionated RT typically consists of the following regimens: 8Gy in a single treatment, 20Gy in five fractions, 24Gy in six ...
The study arose from the observation that many patients hospitalized for painful bone metastases have evidence of these lesions on imaging scans several months earlier, Dr. Gillespie said. Although external beam radiation therapy is standard-of-care for painful lesions, it has not been used for asy...
All patients completed before, during and after treatment, a questionnaire that rated the grade of pain, the pharmacological type of analgesic therapy and patient's performance status. For each patient a total score was calculated, from a minimum value of 0% to a maximum of 20%, then ...
Radiation Therapy Radiation therapy is often very useful in controlling localized cancer-related bone pain, tumor growth, and infiltration. More than 40% of patients can expect at least a 50% reduction in pain, and slightly fewer than 30% can expect complete pain relief at 1 month.24 The spe...
J Natl Cancer Inst. 2019;111:1023–32. Article PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar Vilotte F, Pasquier D, Blanchard P, Supiot S, Khalifa J, Schick U, et al. Recommendations for stereotactic body radiation therapy for spine and non-spine bone metastases. A GETUG (French society of ...
As we mark 150 years since the birth of Marie Curie, we reflect on the global advances made in radiation oncology and the current status of radiation therapy (RT) research. Large-scale international RT clinical trials have been fundamental in driving evi
cancer being treated. Radiation therapy can be employed curatively (i.e., to kill the diseased tissue completely) or palliatively (e.g., to shrink atumor, control its growth, or relieve symptoms caused by atumor). Palliative indications include bonepain, spinal cord and nerve compression, ...
Radiation therapy treatscancerby using high-energy waves to kill tumor cells. The goal is to destroy or damage the cancer without hurting too many healthy cells.It is given over a certain time period; it can be given around the time of surgery or chemotherapy. It can also be used to ease...
Pain associated to bone metastasis is a major cause of morbidity in cancer patients, especially in elderly. Aims The aim of this multicentric retrospective observational study is to evaluate the efficacy of different schedules of radiation therapy in elderly patients in terms of pain relief. Methods...