In general, there are 2 major treatment options for prostate cancer. On one side you have the surgery, on the other side, I call it “The whole other bucket of treatments” that include: proton beam, cyberknife that is very advertised – that goes in the bucket of radiation. Seed implant...
Prostate cancer in India is an emerging health problem with urbanization, increased longevity, changing life styles and access to medical care. Treatment options for an early stage, very low risk and low risk carcinoma prostae for a person without a family history of prosttae cancer are watchful...
Prostate cancerBrachytherapyImage-guided radiation therapy (IGRTLow-dose rate (LDR) brachytherapyHigh-dose rate (HDR) brachytherapyProstate seed implantProstate brachytherapy is an interventional procedure that is highly safe and effective for the treatment of localized prostate cancer. Brachytherapy offers ...
Purpose: Gold seed fiducial markers can be used to accurately define daily treatment field placement for prostate cancer patients. In 2007, a small study was undertaken to evaluate the effectiveness of using gold seed fiducial markers. Methods: Eleven patients who attended for treatment had three ...
With CyberKnife, treatment may last just a few days.Internal radiation therapyIf you are having internal radiation therapy, your treatment will be different. One type of internal radiation therapy is brachytherapy. (It's also called interstitial radiation therapy or "seed" therapy.) If you have ...
The Radiation Oncology Centre of Jamaica is the first private cancer treatment (radiotherapy) centre of its kind in the English speaking Caribbean.
Comparing concurrent chemoradiotherapy, 125I seed implantation combined with chemotherapy, and chemotherapy alone efficacy in treating unresectable locally advanced pancreaticcancer Yanfen Zheng, Rui Huang, Wenxue Zou, Chao Liu, Hongxin Niu...
BEFORE you schedule any radiation therapy appointments to treat your cancer, here are some very important questions you need to ask your doctor. These questions are meant to empower you to take control of your health and have a clear understanding of the cancer treatment being offered. ...
We use IMRT to treat many types of cancer, although this page will only focus on its use for prostate cancer. We have two treatment machines that provide IMRT: a Tomotherapy unit, and a Varian linear accelerator equipped with a multileaf collimator. ...
Prostate brachytherapy is an interventional procedure that is highly safe and effective for the treatment of localized prostate cancer. Brachytherapy offers equivalent to superior biochemical outcomes when compared to external beam radiation therapy and