course naming in the event of multiple sites being treated within the same course of treatment, primary versus boost planning, the use of bolus, revisions for plans, image-guidance field naming, forbidden characters, and standard units for commonly used physical quantities in radiation oncology pract...
Radiation Oncology publishes high-quality interdisciplinary research related to the treatment of cancer using radiation. The journal brings together the ...
About this book series Medical Radiology - Radiation Oncology is a unique series that aims to document the most innovative technologies in all fields within radiology, thereby informing the physician in practice of the latest advances in diagnostic and treatment techniques. ...
Radiation Oncology All Volumes & Issues Open Access Dose intensified radiation therapy for the treatment of pancreatic cancer, implementation and prerequisitesISSN: 1748-717X (Online) In this topical collection (5 articles) Research Comparison of different treatment planning approaches for intensity-...
As we mark 150 years since the birth of Marie Curie, we reflect on the global advances made in radiation oncology and the current status of radiation therapy (RT) research. Large-scale international RT clinical trials have been fundamental in driving evi
The American College of Radiology convened an Appropriateness Criteria Expert Panel on Radiation Oncology for the treatment of bone metastasis to create representative clinical case scenarios and then rank the appropriate use of treatment modalities as well as the most reasonable radiotherapy dose schema ...
Original articles focusing on imaging, contouring, target delineation, simulation, treatment planning, immobilization, organ motion, and other practical issues ASTRO guidelines, position papers, and consensus statements Essays that highlight enriching personal experiences in caring for cancer patients and thei...
Current Treatment Approaches and Global Consensus Guidelines for Brain Metastases in Melanoma. Front Oncol. 2022;12:885472. https://clinicaltrials....
The editorial team of Radiation Oncology would like to thank all our reviewers who have contributed to the journal in Volume 9 (2014).
SERO is home to 30+ world-class Cancer treatment physicians. Our team includes the best radiation oncologists, physician assistants, & nurses in the Carolinas.