Physics. the process in which energy is emitted as particles or waves. the complete process in which energy is emitted by one body, transmitted through an intervening medium or space, and absorbed by another body. the energy transferred by these processes. ...
"Luftmensch," literally meaning "air person," is the Yiddish way of describing someone who is a bit of a dreamer. Did You Know? The word "infant" comes from the Latin word "infans" which literally means "unable to speak; speechless." ...
The meaning of PLANCK RADIATION LAW is a law in physics: radiant energy arising from processes within atoms or molecules is emitted in finite quanta each of which is equal to the product of the radiation frequency by a universal constant h.
Meaning "rays or beams emitted" is from 1560s. Meaning "divergence from a center" is 1650s. In modern physics, "emission or transmission of energy in the form of waves or particles," especially in reference to ionizing radiation, from early 20c. ...
Through these interactions VHE gamma rays are converted into electron–positron pairs, meaning that they have finite energy-dependent mean free paths. This results in a cosmic gamma-ray horizon at a redshift of about z=1 at E∼100GeV. Though this could be seen as a fallback for gamma ...
2.(of votes) cast in small numbers for various candidates. n. 3.a small, scattered number or quantity. 4.Physics.the process in which a wave or beam of particles is diffused or deflected by collision with particles of the medium that it traverses. ...
Since cosmic rays contain information on the behaviour of matter in the smallest (elementary particles) and largest dimensions (the universe), they have been particularly valuable in testing the concepts of daily life in relation to thier meaning in physics and leading physicists to find new ones....
This deflection causes a deceleration of the beta particle and consequently a reduction in its kinetic energy with the emission of energy as a photon of bremsstrahlung, which is taken from the German meaning “braking radiation.” The phenomenon is described by: Sign in to download full-size ...
radioactive materials like uranium and thorium (which are in tiny amounts in the ground, in bricks, stones, soil and concrete, and even in bananas!) microwave ovens (non-ionizing) and more Irradiation and Contamination Irradiationis when we are exposed to radiation (usually meaningionizingradiatio...
noun , Physics. electromagnetic radiation produced by the coalescence and mutual annihilation of an atomic particle and its antiparticle, generally a positron and an electron, each pair forming two photons having a minimum energy of 0.5 million electron volts each....