However, for higher dose rate (e.g., 108 cGy/s), where the increase of S can be up to 100%, this correction factor can be substantially smaller than 1. An improved formula based on the numerical solution is introduced to improve the prediction of dose rate dependence.Tomothy C. Zhu...
Radiation was performed with the dose of 8 Gy × 1. According to the protocol, 10 μM H2DCFDA (KeyGen Biotech, China) was added and incubated for 1 h. Then the H2DCFDA-loading medium was replaced with fresh medium and incubated for another 30 min. Then, the cells were ...
Low-dose radiation (LDR), which generally refers to radiation at a dose less than 100 millisieverts (mSv), arises from the natural environmental context or from anthropogenic activities, such as nuclear energy production, nuclear waste management, and medical diagnostic and therapeutic procedures. Un...
increasing the distance, the dose from the source of radiation can be reduced. Since the distance from the source follows inverse square law which means that if the distance is doubled, then the dose/dose rate at the new location will quarter (Woodhead2002). The activity, measured in Becquer...
In order to further visualize the dose difference, two horizontal profiles of the resulting maps were drawn across the black line labeled in Fig. 5. The first and third rows show the pCT and the sCT images obtained by cycleGAN, SSC-cycleGAN, and cycleSimulationGAN. The second and fourth row...
Shure KJ, O’brien KA, Rothberg DM (1969) Neutron dose rate attenuation by iron and lead. Nucl Sci Eng 35:371 Google Scholar Shure K, Wallace OJ (1988) Taylor parameters for gamma-ray buildup factors in the proposed American National Standard. Report WAPD-TM-1628, Bettis Atomic Power Lab...
applied MRCAT to fifteen male and five female patients with rectal malignancies, the resulting gamma pass rate at 2%/2 mm was 94.7% ± 1.7%, and on average a mean increase of 0.3% to the dose to target [21]. Kemppainen et al. [20] found better agreement using MRCAT software for ...
usingFormula(1): 回 、 、‘,, 4Ea .. pJ hφ=士如何)φEdE 0 whereφ正istakentobeproportionaltoBEandhφ(E)istheenergy-dependentfluencetodoseequivalent conversioncoefficientfromReference[17]. 4.6Neutronfluencerateproducedbyasource Thefluencerateproducedbyaneutronsourceisdeterminedprimarilyfromitsneutronemi...
Cell samples were exposed to X-rays at two different doses of 2 Gy and 5 Gy, with a dose rate of 3 Gy/min. Irradiations were performed as previously described in detail21. Control samples, so-called “sham” samples, underwent the same environmental stress as the irradiated samples, ...
12a. Furthermore, in the same picture, the cumulative absorbed dose is indicated on a daily basis. The slightly irregular shape of the blue (negative) shift versus time could be explained by considering that the dose-rate was not constant during the exposure, as reported in Fig. 10. The ...