表格中周围剂量当量率的数值为巡测仪5次读数的平均值,所有数据均扣除本底,并乘以巡测仪的校准因子。 Table 1 Ambient dose equivalent rates at different measurement points outside the restricted zone 表1 禁区外不同关注点处的周围剂量当量率(μSv/h) 2.2 依据IDR的辐射屏蔽性能评估 根据表1中的结果,ZAP-X治...
In the United States, members of the general public annually receive an average background radiation dose of about 360 millirem (mrem, mR) from a combination of natural and man-made sources. The primary natural source, radon gas, contributes about 200 mrem, to the average annual dose equival...
中文:分辨率测试图案;英文:resolution test chart 中文:真空红外定标;英文:vacuum infrared cali-bration 中文:内定标;英文:internal calibration 中文:红外摄像;英文:infrared photography 中文:红外扫描仪;英文:infrared scanner 中文:临边扫描;英文:limb scanning ...
Units of measurements are different for different medium (air, water). Till now below mentioned units are used to find the absorbed dose and also to represent the dose limits in the field of radiotherapy. They are, Exposure Absorbed Dose Equivalent Dose Effective Dose Exposure (X): It is def...
The channel-wise attention operation flow chart is shown in Fig. 3. The attention mechanism of the feature channel dimension (selective enhancement) can be achieved through end-to-end learning of the feature channel with stronger information enhancement and the feature channel with suppression of ...
Dose equivalent radiation Absorbed and equivalent radiation doses can not be directly converted as the conversion depends on the type of radiation. On this page we provide conversion for radiation of electrons, muons and photons.microsievert (µSv) millirem millisievert (mSv) rem sievert ...
To obtain the equivalent dose, the absorbed dose is multiplied by a specified radiation weighting factor (wR). This weighted factor, expressed as the Sievert (Sv), means that an equivalent dose of 1 Gy of alpha radiation would have the same biological effects as 1 Gy of beta radiation. ...
We all fear radiation yet life depends on it. We each are radioactive, living on a radioactive planet, in a radioactive solar system, in a radioactive universe, in a radioactive galaxy - Robert Peter Gale, MD and Eric Lax
Scale range ambient dose rate equivalent 0,01 – 999 µSv/h Reproducibility of indications (at confidential probability 0.95), where P-is a dose rate in µSv/h ±(15+6/P)% Range of registered X-rays energy 0,03 - 3,0 MeV±25% ...
There are excess risks of heart disease for patients administered radiotherapy with estimated average heart doses of 1–2 Gy (single dose equivalent after correction for dose fractionation effects). Excess risk of cardiovascular disease only becomes apparent 10–20 years after exposure to low doses....