Procedure Type Effective dose Number of exams Total effective dose 1.61% of the annual radiation dose (6.2 mSv/year) 3.23% of the natural background radiation (3.1 mSv/year) Share resultReload calculator Check out 3 similar radiology calculators ☢️ BEDRadiation doseTI-RADSCalculator...
We all fear radiation yet life depends on it. We each are radioactive, living on a radioactive planet, in a radioactive solar system, in a radioactive universe, in a radioactive galaxy - Robert Peter Gale, MD and Eric Lax
Let's assume you want to convert the effective dose, so choose the bottom part. Enter your given value into a proper box. For example, let's take the effective dose of a chest X-ray, which is 0.1 mSv. The calculator displays the value in two other units. Now you know that 0.1 ...
FAQ of the Month Top 5 Ways to Decrease your Exposure to Medical Radiation NOW AVAILABLE FREE DOWNLOAD:Patient Radiation Handout Updated on 2025-01-30Terms & ConditionsPrivacy Policy
Organ dose was estimated using the ImPACT CTDosimetry calculator which utilizes Monte Carlo modeling of a reference adult patient. CT scans were classified into four identifiable procedure phases (planning needle placement treatment and final) and radiation dose per phase was calculated and compared. ...
Dose Compliance Concentrations (DCC). Soil cleanup levels based on 1 mrem/y dose level. OSWER 9355.0-86A. Distribution of OSWER Radionuclide ARAR Dose Compliance Concentrations (DCCs) for Superfund Electronic Calculator. DCC Home DCC Calculator Buiding Preliminary Remediation Goals (BPRG). Interior bu...
Materials and Methods : We performed a simulation based study for calculating cumulative radiation dose with radiation calculator software. Cosmic radiation exposure of a crew working 110 hours per month between Istanbul and Batman (route 1) in Turkey at an average altitude of 30,000 feet and one...
The total and median CED value (cumulative effective radiation dose in millisieverts [mSv]) of each patient was used. Each patient's total and median estimated CED value was calculated using a web-based calculator and recorded in millisieverts (mSv). Results: The total rad...
We also present the studies that indicated the need to raise the organ conversion factor for cardiovascular studies from the 0.014–0.017 mSv/mGy*cm used for chest studies to date to a value of 0.0264–0.03 mSv/mGy*cm. Keywords: computed tomography; cardiovascular system; radiation dose; TAVI ...