(360°).0 ne radian isapproximately57°,and1°isT/180 or approximately0.017 5 radians.Radians are commonly used to specifyangles in polar coordinates.Radian measure gives simple formula for the lengthof arc and the area of a sector of a circlelength of arc rearea of sectorwhere r is the ...
8、o 3 significant figures.To find the area of the segment,you need to find the area of the sector ,and then subtract the area of the triangle . Using the formula for the area of a triangle, the area of the triangle is given by . Thus the area in of the shaded region is OPQOPQ...
18.1Radian&18.2Lengthofarcandareaofsector RADIANS Theradianisusefultodistinguishbetweenquantitiesofdifferentnaturebutthesamedimension.Forexampleangularvelocitycanbemeasuredinradianspersecond(rad/s).Theanglesubtendedatthecenterofacirclebyanarcofcircumferenceequalinlengthtotheradiusofthecircleisoneradian.Anglemeasures...
Evaluating degrees° minutes’ seconds” (D°M’S”) A) The distance between two degrees (ex: 15°& 16°) can be 1) divided. Angles Arc Length Sector Area Section 4.1. Objectives I can find co-terminal angles I can convert between radian and degree measures I can calculate arc. Review...