The primary link of the reflex chain is presented by the chemo-, mechano- and osmoreceptors located on the body surface and inside the mantle cavity. Previously we hypothesized that the polymodal osphradial organ in the pond snail may participate in adaptive reactions of aquatic molluscs to ...
The primary link of the reflex chain is presented by the chemo-, mechano- and osmoreceptors located on the body surface and inside the mantle cavity. Previously we hypothesized that the polymodal osphradial organ in the pond snail may participate in adaptive reactions of aquatic molluscs to ...
This model can be seen as a special one-dimensional Markov chain representing the cells’ dynamics in and between radial shells. For this, we assume the spheroids to be rotationally symmetric, as suggested by histological sections [18,24] and exploited by several mathematical models before [1,...