Maxsun Radeon RX550 Driver I bought one of these a while back, and I never have figured out how to get it to find its driver. Is it supposed to go out on the internet and findd it? Am I supposed to have it loaded somewhere specific in my computer? 0...
Hello, I have purchased your AMD Radeon RX 550 4G OC Graphics Card. I would like to update the new driver for update and see the "Adrenalin 2020 Edition 20.2.1 Optional" and "Adrenalin 2020 Edition 20.1.3" drivers on your website. Which of these drivers should I use? I have insta...
作为AMD Radeon RX 500系列中定位最低的桌面显卡,RX 550可以说没有让我们失望,其性能完全超越了竞争对手NVIDIA的GT 1030,无论是在理论性能测试还是游戏性能测试都要比GT 1030领先不少,尤其是在DX12游戏上表现更为抢眼。可能部分玩家会这样问道,RX 550相比GT 1030难道就没有弱点么?我们的回答是“有”,RX 55...
The drivers for the AMD cards are all upstream (AMD recommend the inbox driver over the Pro driver except for some use cases) so it should just work with Ubuntu out of the box... Mark We don't do any testing with mixed GPUs (the scope of possible combinations just becomes ...
而在重点测试的显卡部分,除了用来对比的GT 1030显卡外,我们还加入了前一代产品中定位稍高一级的RX 460,以此来衡量RX 550与它们之间的性能差距。驱动方面,测试的所有驱动都为最新版本,其中AMD驱动为Radeon Software Crimson ReLive 17.6.1,NVIDIA驱动为GeForce Game Ready Driver 382.53 WHQL。
不过我们这个首测还是比较有意义的,毕竟全网还没有一份正规的RX550评测报告,再加上NVIDIA刚刚发布了GT1030这款对位卡,在这个时候出首测也可谓是恰逢其时。RadeonRX550产品特性一览 就目前来看,RX550的主要任务有两个,一是取代还在使用古老的CapeVerde核心的R7350,二是阻击老对手刚刚发布的GT1030。为什么说Cape...
1、首先我们需要在本页面点击下载按钮,下载AMDDiscrete VGA Driver for Radeon RX 550显卡驱动2、下载完成后我们会得到一个RAR,或者ZIP、7z、exe、inf等格式的文件,我们将它解压缩或者直接双击运行3、进入到安装界面后我们保持默认选项,一直点击下一步按钮继续安装4、AMDDiscrete VGA Driver for Radeon RX 550显卡...
SupportFirePro™ W4170M Drivers & SupportFirePro™ M7820 移动 Drivers & SupportFirePro™ M8900 Drivers & SupportFirePro™ M8900 移动 Drivers & SupportAMD Radeon 显卡驱动程序Graphics DriverAMD VGA Driver 集成显卡VGA Driver 集成显卡Discrete VGA Driver for Radeon RX 550R7 240 的 AMD 显卡插件...
Specifications: GPU Model: AMD Radeon RX 550 4GB Stream Processors: 512 Core Frequency(Mhz): 1183MHz Memory Clock Speed(Mhz): 6000MHz Video Memory Capacity: 4GB Video Memory Type: GDDR5 Features: |Radeon Rx570|Rx570 4gb|Gt 550| **Enhanced Visual Experience** The SOYO AMD Radeon RX550 4G...
NVIDIA GeForce Game Ready Driver(381.65 WHQL) AMD Radeon Software Crimson ReLive(17.10 Press Beta) DirectX环境 DirectX 12 帧数监控 Fraps 3.5.1 在测试成绩方面,理论性能测试用得分来衡量性能,数值越高越好;游戏性能测试用游戏自带Benchmark及游戏中平均帧数来衡量性能,数值同样越高越好。 第7页:基准性能测试 ...