Rademacher's Theorem的证明 哥德巴赫猜想:是不是所有的大于2的偶数,都可以表示为两个素数的和? 这个问题是德国数学家哥德巴赫(C.Goldbach,1690-1764)于1742年6月7日在给大数学家欧拉的信中提出的,所以被称作哥德巴赫猜想(Goldbach Conjecture)。同年6月30日,欧拉在回信中认为这个猜想可能是真的,但他无法证明。
这样应用Theorem 1(McDiarmid Inequality)得到 \operatorname{Pr}[\varphi(S)-\mathrm{E}[\varphi(S)] \geq t] \leq e^{-t^2 / \sum_{i=1}^m \frac{1}{m^2}}=e^{-t^2 m} \\ 为了约束这个尾概率小于\delta,取t \geq \sqrt{\frac{\ln (1 / \delta)}{m}}, 因为 \operatorname{Pr...
Primary 26B05Secondary 49J5058C2028A15Lipschitz mapsRadon-Nikodým propertymetric Gâteaux differentiabilityw*-Gâteaux differentiability(2014), 501–534].doi:10.1515/ms-2017-0056BongiornoDonatellaMathematica Slovaca
摘要原文 Rademacher theorem asserts that Lipschitz continuous functions betweenEuclidean spaces are differentiable almost everywhere. In this work we extendthis result to set-valued maps using an adequate notion of set-valueddifferentiability relating to convex processes. Our approach uses Rademachertheorem ...
RADEMACHER’S THEOREM ON CONFIGURATION SPACES AND APPLICATIONS Michael R¨ ockner and Alexander Schied Abstract: We consider an L 2 -Wasserstein type distance ρ on the configuration space Γ X over a Riemannian manifold X, and we prove that ρ-Lipschitz functions are contained in...
分拆函数的Rademacher级数(抄书) 基本思路就是圆法,一边是积分、一边是留数。 Theorem 1里面那个奇怪的形式是后面所需的,因为想要在标准映射下讨论(吧?) 最后那段证明用到了我没见过的Bessel函数性质,看不懂就不抄了。
rademacher theorem的内容是什么 发自小木虫Android客户端
分拆函数的Rademacher级数(抄书) 基本思路就是圆法,一边是积分、一边是留数。 Theorem 1里面那个奇怪的形式是后面所需的,因为想要在标准映射下讨论(吧?) 最后那段证明用到了我没见过的Bessel函数性质,看不懂就不抄了。
RADEMACHER'S THEOREM IN R n 来自 core.ac.uk 喜欢 0 阅读量: 156 作者: T Zamojski 摘要: The purpose of these notes is to prove the classical Rademacher's Theorem. There are versions that are far more general, notably Cheeger obtained recently a Rademacher type theorem only assuming the ...
利用这个Theorem 1,我们就可以得到下面的Theorem 2,先定义在S上采样的函数期望估计为\hat{\mathrm{E}...