存储库:fallenbagel/jellyseerr:latest WebUI:http://[IP]:[PORT:5055] 网络类型:Bridge 新增路径: 容器路径:/app/config 主机路径:/mnt/user/appdata/jellyseerr/config 新增以下变量: LOG_LEVEL:debug TZ:Shanghai Port:5055 如果你使用的是emby而非Jellyfin,还需要新增如下变量:(此功能可以实现在JellySeerr...
Simply update the Radarr Port withpkg update && pkg upgrade (Optional) Remove the mono package if you wish Fixing Standalone installs Errors such as: Cannot open assembly '/opt/Radarr/Radarr': File does not contain a valid CIL image
Port填 9001(如果自定义了端口填写自己的Aria2端口) Secret token填 8888(如果自定义了Token填写自定义的Token) 然后点保存 如果是选择了Qbittorrent下载器 名称填 Qbittorrent Host填 自己Nas的IP Port填 8989(如果自定义了端口填写自定义的端口) Username填 admin(如果自定义了用户名填自定义的用户名) Password填...
Allow custom nextauth port (#1663) Nov 18, 2023 src fix: unable to delete boards with capitalised name 'Default' (#2223) Dec 18, 2024 tests feat: add ldap and oidc support (#1497) Feb 10, 2024 .deepsource.toml ci: Update .deepsource.toml ...
alternatives). If Radarr is run as an administrator it will correctly register itself with Windows as well as open the Firewall port so it can be accessed from other systems on your network. Running as admin only needs to happen once (if you change the port it will need to be re-run)...
For new Package Requests, see the guidelines Setup Package Name: Radarr Package Version: 20200921-11 (then with app update to v3.0.0.4204) NAS Model: Synology NAS Architecture: x64 DSM version: 6.2.3-25426 Update 2 Expected behavior Afte...
WEBUI_PORT=8080 映射端口: 8080:8080 6881:6881 6881:6881/udp 挂载卷: /path/to/config:/config /path/to/downloads:/downloads 点击“Deploy the container”。 3. 在Portainer中部署Jackett容器 创建Jackett容器 登录Portainer,选择“Containers”选项卡,点击“Add container”。 在“Image”字段中输入linux...
After starting the Radarr service, you will be able to open the web interface on port 7878. In my case the IP is Radarr Homepage Updating your Ubuntu Radarr installation Radarr is now running on Ubuntu and you may be wondering how to update Radarr. All you nee...
Enter the Radarr folder and execute it cd /opt/Radarr mono Radarr.exe Radarr runs on port 7878 by default After you have verified the web interface is working on http://server.ip:7878 you can use Ctrl+C in the ssh terminal to kill the process so we can configure Radarr to autostart ...
I also have a problem with the firewall for radar. When i try to activate the integrated app, it seems to never save my choice. So i add to create one rule for the port of radar. For sonar, i also have an issue with the internal access. When i try to add the app integrated, ...