This repository contains everything you need to create your own Jellyfin media server with Sonarr, Radarr, Jellyseerr, Prowlarr, Jackett, qBittorrent, and Gluetun (VPN) in a Docker Compose setup. We'll refer to the compilation of all containers as Isyrr to keep it simple....
手里有一个 J4125 软路由小主机,直接使用 iStoreOS ( 做为主系统,通过 docker 应用扩展其它功能。目前安装的应用有这些: 应用 本篇教程主要讲 servarr(sonarr/radarr),qbittorrent 硬链接设置。参考文档链接 (
Review ourDocker Guideand TRaSH'sHard links and Instant Moves (Atomic-Moves) Guidefor more information on the correct and optimal path setup. Note that the concepts apply for docker and non-docker Your download folder where your download client places the downloads and your root/library folder ...
Can I update Radarr inside my Docker container? Technically, yes.But you absolutely should not.It is a primary philosophy of Docker. Database issues can arise if you upgrade your installation inside to the most recentnightly, but then update the Docker container itself (possibly downgrading to ...
I strongly recommend moving to a Docker setup. If you still insist on using installing Radarr directly on Ubuntu, then take a look at Servarr Wiki. Usenet is Better Than Torrents: For apps like Sonarr, Radarr, SickRage, and CouchPotato, Usenet is better than Torrents. Unlimited plans from...
Recommended Setup Requirements Installing Docker and Docker Compose Permissions Install the rest of apps Static IP Config auto download General Download Enjoy your content (and seed it!) Backup Samba How to use Media Backup Extras Nice-to-have containers Portainer Logging In Laptop as a se...
通过Web API同步两个Radarr / Sonarr / Lidarr服务器。 用于将4k Radarr / Sonarr实例同步到1080p Radarr / Sonarr实例。 支持Radarr / Sonarr版本2和3。 可以通过profile名称或profile_id同步 按profile名称或profile_id过滤要同步的媒体 支持Docker的多个实例 可以设置同步间隔 支持双向同步(默认为双向) 跳过缺少文...
Like a number of people who may be in the same case I was in, I had gone to Corral for Docker Support. While these applications worked well in Corral as docker containers with datasets shared via 9PFS. I found coming back to FreeNAS 11 some of the applicatio...
Radarr Ver. Jackett Version Also, the ram is used very much. Is that normal? (more than with couch potato and sick rage) I saw a lot of fix on the forum, like docker, but the ds214play is not working with it. Not compatible. ...
I've seen recommendations for both SynoCommunity packages and Docker images (of which there are many) but haven't been able to determine for myself which is best. I prefer sources that are kept up to date, but also stable and reliable. For each of these, can someone with experience tell...