Accuracy Range : 1.0% of range in use or 0.01 NM, whichever is greater Bearing: EBL accuracy±1° Range and Range Ring Interval Range : 0.0625, 0.125, 0.25 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.5, 2,3, 4.6,8, 12, 16, 24, 36 NM Ring : 0.03125, 0.0625, 0.125, 0.125, 0.25, 0.25,0.5,0.5,1,1,2...
('Detection range in Km'); ylabel ('Power aperture product in dB'); % generate Figure 1.16b lambda = 0.03; % wavelength in meters G = 45; % antenna gain in dB ae = linspace(1,25,1000);% aperture size 1 to 25 meter squared, 1000 points Ae = 10*log10(ae); range = 250e3; ...
距离估计(Range estimation)使用多个时间样本进行峰值拟合,以达到更高的精度 距离估计精度随着带宽的增加而提高 Range \ accuracy \propto \frac{1}{BW}\cdot \frac{1}{\sqrt{SNR}} 6、增加天线尺寸提高波束宽度 分辨目标的能力直接影响目标位置的估计能力 img Beamwidth(deg) \approx \frac{\lambda}{...
In addition to range, azimuthal sampling is an important consideration in tornado detection. Of particular interest for this work is the azimuthal resolution of the National Weather Radar Testbed PAR in Norman, Oklahoma. The beamwidth of the PAR increases smoothly with increasing angle from boresight...
It important to remember that a radar vertical beamwidth is not necessary the same as it’s horizontal beamwidth. Hence, the azimuth and elevation resolution may be different. Range Resolution Range resolution is the ability of a radar to separate two targets that are close together in range and...
per hour), the frequency of the received echo signal will be greater than that of the transmitted signal by about 4.1 kHz. The Doppler frequency shift inhertzis equal to 3.4f0vr, wheref0is the radar frequency in gigahertz andvris the radial velocity (the rate of change of range) in ...
technology in the 1930s, and radar development at this frequency rangeconstituteda genuine pioneering accomplishment. It was well understood by the early developers of radar that operation at even higher frequencies was desirable, particularly since narrow beamwidths could be achieved without excessively ...
To make the simple range sensor more radar-like, [Dzl] needed to narrow the beamwidth of the sensor and make the whole thing steerable. That required a switch to an automotive backup sensor, which uses a single transducer, and a 3D printed parabolic dish reflector that looks very much like...
目标方位(target orientation)(俯角aspect angle)和距离distance (range)(距离) 目标环境(附近其他物体); 路径的传播特性(雨、雪或树叶的衰减)propagation characteristics of the path (rain, snow or foliage attenuation) 天线特性(antenna characteristics)(极化、波束宽度、旁瓣电平polarization, beamwidth, sidelobe le...