Forum:Model X: Interior & Exterior J Uniden R3 radar detector i installed my uniden R3 on my model y last month. The volts showing on the radar is 15.4. When I run the same radar in my other cars, it says 13.5-14.4 volts. The radar works great in my non Tesla cars but when I ...
It is possible to mount the BGT60UTR11AIP on a stationary but vibrating body (car, pump, electric motor etc.) and use it as presence detector to avoid human to ... Show more sandor_peli Level 1 27 九月 2024 100 0 1 Radar sensors ...
As for the RMS, the threshold is for the internal detector and as this suggestion to the Doppler FFT spectrum peak, the amplitude tracker will not work with the RIMS. Regarding the information to relate Magnitude [dBFS] and Threshold for RIMS, I'll check and get back on the same! Best ...
If you have the black area to the right of the mirror as per comment #30, you may want to place the detector there, though the black part would block the laser detection, so if you know where the laser sensor it, maybe have the detector straddle the black border so that the horn ...
Forum:Special and General Relativity Radar as range detector between cars-static sender vs dynamic sender Say I have a radar transmitter on a car,used to detect its distance from a car in front of it by measuring the doppler shift on the reflected wave. i.e Car 1 is the source, its wa...
Filtering:Excellent false alert filtering capabilities so you actually pay attention when the detector goes off. (Common sources of false alerts include nearby vehicles with radar-based blind spot monitoring systems, speed signs on the side of the road, and automatic door openers used by grocery st...
Uniden R3, 1.31 (@meismyname‘s detector) Valentine One, 3.8945 (My retail copy) All the detectors were set up with the standard settings. RDR/Ka Filter Off, Segged 2/5/8, etc. 33.8 Testing MPH Bee III radar gun, 33.8 GHz
Semi-active radar is a form of bistatic radar used in long-range missile systems. In a semi-active radar, the missile acts as a passive detector of a radar signal originating from an external source. Passive radar is a form of bistatic or multistatic radar that relies on non-radar transmit...
Fuse for radar detector hardwire Does anyone know which fuse position is only hot while the car is running? Could be like an accessory fuse or homelink mirror kinda thing. Just need to know where to piggyback my add a circuit to hardwire a radar detector and dash cam. ___ ///M Powe...
Yes, the TV van is one of the few cars that can be tracked by an object detector since the dish counts as an object. I can track other peds and vehicles but they aren't in the same memory location as objects/weapons/powerups. It uses T.M.'s minimap generator to make the map ima...