5.2 MATLAB程序(解释) eps = 0.00001;%这个值得作用在我的上一篇博客中有过详细介绍,这里就不重复了% Enter scatterer spacing, in meters%以米为单位%scat_spacing = 1.0;%间距初定1m,读者可根据自己需要修改% Enter frequency%输入频率%freq = 3.0e+9;%频率30Gwavelength = 3.0e+8 / freq;%波长公式哈,看...
the greater the returned echo at the radar receiver, resulting in a higher signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and likelier detection. In radar systems, the amount of energy reflected from a target is determined by the radar cross section (RCS), defined as ...
ITU-R是无线电通信部分,P系列侧重于无线电波传播。 4、Modeling Target Radar Cross Section目标雷达截面建模 目标雷达截面建模这个例子展示了如何以更高的保真度对雷达目标进行建模。该实例介绍了简单点目标的雷达截面(RCS)概念,并将其扩展到具有多个散射中心的目标的更复杂情况。本文还讨论了如何建立RCS随时间波动的模...
图1.19显示了在积分前后信噪比保持不变的情况下,检测距离的改善情况。 % Use this program to reproduce Fig. 1.19 and Fig. 120 of text.closeallclearallpt=4;% peak power in Wattsfreq=94e+9;% radar operating frequency in Hzg=47.0;% antenna gain in dBsigma=20;% radar cross section in m square...
- 输入 - nTeta:3 dB 角度水平面天线 [°] nFi:3 dB 角度垂直平面天线 [°] nRange:雨点所在的范围 [m] nFrequency:雷达系统的工作频率 [Hz] nTauOrBW:雷达系统的脉冲长度 [s] 对于脉冲雷达系统或扫描带宽 [Hz] 用于 CW 雷达系统nRainRate:雨室的降雨率 [mm/h] nTypeRadar:0 表示脉冲1 用于 CW...
MATLAB (Computer software)The simulation of radar cross-section (RCS) models in FPGA is illustrated. The models adopted are the Swerling ones. Radar cross-section (RCS) which is also termed as echo area gives the amount of scattered power from a target towards the radar. This paper ...
In radar systems, the amount of energy reflected from a target is determined by the radar cross section (RCS), defined as where represents the RCS, is the distance between the radar and the target, is the field strength of the signal reflected from the target, and is the field strength ...
Chapter 14:Radar Cross-Section Chapter 15:Phased Arrays Chapter 16:Adaptive Signal Processing Chapter 17:Target Tracking Chapter 18:Synthetic Aperture Radar 该书非常适合大家,它提供了供大家理解相关理论而编写的Matlab程序,这无论是对初学者还是研究人员,都是非常有帮助的。
Learn how the radar equation combines several of the main parameters of a radar system in a way that gives you a general understanding of how the system will perform. The radar equation is a function of transmit power, antenna gain, transmit frequency, radar cross-section of...
develooper1994 Update README.md Apr 4, 2019 be7cb0d·Apr 4, 2019 History 3 Commits IsarMainDisp README.md RCScalculator RCS(Radar Cross Section) calculator with Matlab and Python Matlab Coder and Swig Matlab Coder can generates c/c++ code. There are scripts that generates bindings to Pytho...