This article describes how to create a radar chart in R using two different packages: the fmsb or the ggradar R packages. Note that, the fmsb radar chart is an R base plot. The ggradar package builds a ggplot spider plot. You will learn: how to create a beautiful fmsb radar chart how...
ggradar(df) Radar chart labels The labels of the grid can be customized with and the labels of each variable with .values.radaraxis.labels # install.packages("devtools") # devtools::install_github("ricardo-bion/ggradar") library(ggradar) ggradar(df, values.radar = c(0, 0.5, 1), axis...
ggsave(filename =here::here("img","fromTheWeb","web-radar-chart-with-R.png"),plot =plt,width =5.7,height =5,device ="png")
radarchart( df, axistype = 1, # Customize the polygon pcol = c("#00AFBB", "#E7B800", "#FC4E07"), pfcol = scales::alpha(c("#00AFBB", "#E7B800", "#FC4E07"),0.5), plwd = 2, plty = 1, # Customize the grid cglcol = "grey", cglty = 1, cglwd = 0.8, # Customi...
雷达图(radar chart),又称蜘蛛网图(spider plot),是一种表现多维数据的强弱的图表。它将多个维度的数据量映射到坐标轴上,这些坐标轴起始于同一个圆心点,通常结束于圆周边缘,将同一组的点使用线连接起来就称为了雷达图。 本文以R包fmsb和ggradar为例介绍一下雷达图的绘制。
简介: R实战| 雷达图(Radar Chart) R实战| 雷达图(Radar Chart) 雷达图(radar chart),又称蜘蛛网图(spider plot),是一种表现多维数据的强弱的图表。它将多个维度的数据量映射到坐标轴上,这些坐标轴起始于同一个圆心点,通常结束于圆周边缘,将同一组的点使用线连接起来就称为了雷达图。 本文以R包fmsb和 ...
Radar chart version 1 created withggplot2andggradarpackages (click to enlarge).Jump to code with ggplot2 + ggradar package. Radar chart version 2 withfmsbpackage (click to enlarge).Jump to code with fmsb package. With ggplot2 + ggradar ...
这样就做好了 如果是多个球员的数据放到一起画用来比较也是可以的,多组数据可以参考链接 最终效果 image.png 欢迎大家关注我的公众号 小明的数据分析笔记本...
library(ggradar2) data(mtcars)#Extract the group names. Otherwise, the first column will be chosen as the group,mtcars)#The radar chart is not a nice presentation if you want to compare too many groups. Thus here#we only focus on 4 groups.df...
2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. image.png 这样就做好了 如果是多个球员的数据放到一起画用来比较也是可以的,多组数据可以参考链接 最终效果 ...