组织机构代码55791215-4注册资本1000万人民币 营业期限42468-03-17至62465-11-18经营状态存续 公司类型有限责任公司(自然人投资或控股)成立日期2010-07-02 法人代表陈安俊注册机构杭州市余杭区市场监督管理局 经营范围生产:电子产品(除电子出版物),计算机软件。(法律法规禁止、限制的除外) 电子产品、计算机软件的技术开...
厂家品牌 IDS GeoRadar Capetti Elettronica Caplugs 规格型号 IDS GeoRadar Capetti Elettronica Caplugs Opera Duo 探地雷达 IDS GeoRadar Stream C 探地雷达 IDS GeoRadar Stream EM 探地雷达 IDS GeoRadar Pegasus Stream 探地雷达 IDS GeoRadar Aladdin 探地雷达 IDS GeoRadar Stream X 探地雷达 IDS ...
一文看懂长安蓝鲸iDD混动系统⇧置顶4小时订单破2万,AITO问界M7为何上市就成了爆款?⇧置顶续航1000km+激光雷达+英伟达orin,沃尔沃智能电动车放大招⇧置顶提供650和702km两种续航,小鹏G9续航里程曝光⇧置顶插混技术详解之比亚迪DM-i系列⇧置顶电驹前员工宋飞索赔2倍工资案最终结果!还有几点干货分享⇧置顶 ...
L'AC1000T est un système radar de moyenne portée de 77 GHz. Il présente une résolution de la vitesse plus précise et une portée étendue jusqu'à 200 mètres. Grâce à un angle d'ouverture horizontal allant jusqu'à 70 degrés, des systèmes tels que le régulateur de vitesse adapt...
Vanguard Russell 1000 Value ETF holds a Zacks ETF Rank of 1 (Strong Buy), which is based on expected asset class return, expense ratio, and momentum, among other factors. Because of this, VONV is a great option for investors seeking exposure to the Style Box - Large Cap Value segmen...
The maximum detection distance is 1000 m, and poles can be deployed at a distance of 1000 m, reducing the number of poles by 25% Lane-level full coverage without blind areas The converged sensing engine based on the intelligent edge computing platform uses multiple lightning fitting technologies...
Invesco Russell 1000 Equal Weight ETF carries a Zacks ETF Rank of 3 (Hold), which is based on expected asset class return, expense ratio, and momentum, among other factors. Thus, EQAL is a reasonable option for those seeking exposure to the Style Box - Large Cap Blend area of...
Benefits Kilometer pole building capability The maximum detection distance is 1000 m, and poles can be deployed at a distance of 1000 m, reducing the number of poles by 25% Lane-level full coverage without blind areas The converged sensing engine based on the intelligent edge computing platform ...
价格 ¥10.00 起订量 1000个起批 货源所属商家已经过真实性核验 发货地 上海 上海 数量 获取底价 查看电话 在线咨询 商家回复极速,快点击沟通 QQ联系 智能提问 支持一件代发吗? 公司售后有保障吗? 外省发货吗? 买的多可以便宜吗? 发什么快递? 有现货吗? 公司地址在哪里? 主营产品有哪些? 店主电...
ACC algorithm Adaptation of the speed to the traffic flow Compact size 82 x 80 mm cross-section only What can AC1000T – Radar System provide? The AC1000T is a 77 GHz mid-range radar system. It features more precise speed resolution and an expanded range of up to 200 meters. Thanks ...