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1. Prepare the server RackTables uses a web-server with PHP (7.0 is the minimum required version, 7.1 is the minimum tested version, 7.3 is the recommended version) for front-end and a MySQL/MariaDB server version 5 or later for back-end. The most commonly used web-server for RackTable...
Run this using the rackup gem or another supported web server. $ gem install rackup $ rackup # In another shell: $ curl http://localhost:9292 Hello World Supported web servers Rack is supported by a wide range of servers, including: Agoo Falcon Iodine NGINX Unit Phusion Passenger (which...
The 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header contains multiple values (Indirect Application Server Conflict) #162 opened Mar 29, 2018 by aditya-vector 1 Safari Access-Control-Request-Headers: Origin issue [explained] #116 opened Apr 30, 2016 by squadette 5 ...
server=utf8" line to "[mysqld]" section of "/etc/mysql/my.cnf" file and restart mysqld. *** ALTLinux 4.0 * MySQL: apt-get install MySQL-server * Apache/PHP: apt-get install apache2-httpd-prefork php5-gd2 \ php5-pdo_mysql php5-pdo apache2-mod_php5 php5-mbstring * To enable...
The overhead of running Rack::Attack is typically negligible (a few milliseconds per request), but it depends on how many checks you've configured, and how long they take. Throttles usually require a network roundtrip to your cache server(s), so try to keep the number of throttle checks...
Rack::Server#start now passes the block to Rack::Handler::<h>#run Rack::Static now supports an index option Added the Teapot status code rackup now defaults to Thin instead of Mongrel (if installed) Support added for HTTP_X_FORWARDED_SCHEME ...
yum install mysql-server mysql * Apache/PHP: yum install httpd php php-mysql php-pdo php-gd php-snmp php-mbstring php-bcmath * To enable Unicode, add "character-set-server=utf8" line to "[mysqld]" section of "/etc/my.cnf" file and restart mysqld. *** Debian 6 * MySQL: aptitude...
JRuby-Rack's main mode of operation is as a filter. This allows requests for static content to pass through and be served by the application server. Dynamic requests only happen for URLs that don't have a corresponding file, much like many Ruby/Rack applications expect. The (default) filter...
Revisions by WindBOT or CrushBOT, unless uploaded within minutes of a new revision, are always crushes of the correct version, even if the server does not display it yet. Referring to the dimensions and filesize of the revisions in the file's history table is a more accurate way of determ...