Despejo de Injustias: Racismo Estrutural e Negao de Direitos em Carolina Maria de Jesusdoi:10.12819/2024.21.8.8INSTITUTIONAL racismRACE discriminationCITY dwellersSOCIAL injusticeBLACK menThis article addresses structural racism and the denial of rights in the work Quarto de Despejo (...
Entre o Racismo Estrutural e o institucional: Reflexes sobre a Saúde da Populao Negra no Contexto da Covid-19doi:10.36367/ntqr.13.2022.e702Introduction: The social determination of health understands that the social structure has a direct influence on the health-disease ...
Gênero, raa e classe no Brasil: os efeitos do racismo estrutural e institucional na vida da populao negra durante a pandemia da covid-19doi:10.1590/2179-8966/2022/68967BRAZILCOVID-19 pandemicSENIOR leadership teamsRACIAL inequalityRACEEQUALITYBLACK feminism...
It is important to highlight the importance of disseminating liberating pedagogical practices for a settlement in the face of neocolonialism.Barboza Araújo, Robsonda Silva Junior, Milton FerreiraOdeere
AFROFUTURISMO E TEATRO EXPERIMENTAL DO NEGRO: Narrativas de resistência e desconstruo do racismo estrutural no Brasildoi:10.30612/rehr.v19i36.17950INSTITUTIONAL racismEQUALITYBLACK peopleAFROFUTURISMSOCIAL structureThis article systematically addresses the phenomenon of structural racism and...
MULHERES AFRICANAS, RACISMO ESTRUTURAL E PANDEMIA DE COVID19: UM ESTUDO DE CASO NA CIDADE DA PRAIA EM CABO VERDEdoi:10.25113/farol.v8i21.6083In this paper we propose a reflection on African women's agency and their (re) existence in a time of Pandemic COVID 19, ...