Welcome to Pigeoncom Auctionsavailableworldwide We at Pigeoncom are ambitious people who share your passion for racing pigeons! We offer you the opportunity to purchase pigeons from top fanciers Worldwide! A new selection of fantastic pigeons is made available every two weeks to be auctioned at ...
Jose Ledesma founded TODOPALOMAS in 2004. From early childhood, José Ledesma was interested in the pigeon, but it was not until 30 years old when he discovered the great racing pigeon racing sport. Hobby that completely captivate him until the actuality. As Jose Ledesma developed his long dis...
PIPA | Racing pigeons for sale | Pigeon news | Pigeon race results | PIPA World's largest meeting place for pigeon fanciers. Best breeding and racing birds selection of young birds. GW and P. Macaloney (UK). Youngsters of their best breeders. Youngsters of his best racing birds. FJ Irme...
PIPA | Racing pigeons for sale | Pigeon news | Pigeon race results | PIPA World's largest meeting place for pigeon fanciers. Best breeding and racing birds selection of young birds. GW and P. Macaloney (UK). Youngsters of their best breeders. Youngsters of his best racing birds. FJ Irme...
So why is Ron so successful at the distance with such a small loft and such a small team. Well if you look at his history, in the past he has flown against some of the great distance men in the pigeon world, such great names as Peter Titmus and Marley Westrop. A great schooling ...
, UK, United Kingdom, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland - a monarchy in northwestern Europe occupying most of the British Isles; divided into England and Scotland and Wales and Northern Ireland; `Great Britain' is often used loosely to refer to the United Kingdom Adj. 1...