Welcome to Pigeoncom Auctionsavailableworldwide We at Pigeoncom are ambitious people who share your passion for racing pigeons! We offer you the opportunity to purchase pigeons from top fanciers Worldwide! A new selection of fantastic pigeons is made available every two weeks to be auctioned at ...
Jose Ledesma founded TODOPALOMAS in 2004. From early childhood, José Ledesma was interested in the pigeon, but it was not until 30 years old when he discovered the great racing pigeon racing sport. Hobby that completely captivate him until the actuality. As Jose Ledesma developed his long dis...
(BE). Winner Yearlings: Daans Jos (BE). Winner Youngsters: Iwens Jan and Tom (BE). Ostatnia aktualizacja: today 02:00. No races this weekend. PIPA discovers cut diamond in one loft racing scene with the Victoria Falls World Challenge Pigeon Race. Gaby Vandenabeele auction another great ...
(BE). Winner Yearlings: Daans Jos (BE). Winner Youngsters: Iwens Jan and Tom (BE). Ostatnia aktualizacja: today 02:00. No races this weekend. PIPA discovers cut diamond in one loft racing scene with the Victoria Falls World Challenge Pigeon Race. Gaby Vandenabeele auction another great ...
United Nun Club in Australia Brad Turner 33 British Nun Club Centenary Year Richard Henderson 37 Back to Basics Stan Ryan 38 The Historical Challenge in Breeding Nun Pigeons John Heppner 40 Formula for Yellow Nuns Alex Rawson 42 Nuns and Me Leo Bozydaj 43 Nun Pigeon Artist Roger Yeske 43 Au...
The racing overalls the champion wore on that day are being offered for sale by Village Auctions on May 17 at its salerooms on North Tyneside industrial estate at Benton. Race is on to get a piece of F1 memorabilia Be it Shihab or teammates Khalid and Waheeb, who all on their racing ov...