This graphic breaks down the American population by race and/or ethnicity between 1990 and 2023. The data comes from the Census Bureau and USAFacts as of August 2024.Growth Among Non-White PopulationsThe nation’s non-white population has nearly doubled, growing from about 24.4% in 1990 to ...
broughtdifferent racialandethnicgroupstoAmerica,whichdirectlyledtodiversification ofthepopulation.Alongwiththepopulationdiversity,ethnicconflict betweenthenewlyarrivedimmigrantsandAboriginesappeared:inthe south,inordertomeettheneedsofplantationdevelopment,alarge numberofblackpeoplefromSouthAfricawereshippedformanuallabor, ...
The three big waves of immigrants, America population was increasing at an alarming rate, the composition of the population was more diverse, and that also inevitably exacerbated racial tensions ・ 2. The roots of American cultural As mentioned above, USA is composed of people of different ...
The United States (US) has a culturally diverse population. However, the percentage of underrepresented minorities (URMs) and women in healthcare does not fully reflect their current and future demographics. Our objective was to explore and forecast the gender and racial trends in the US addiction...
Using discrete-time hazards models, we estimate the relationship between labor force participation in the past year and smoking cessation for US adults (ages 14-21 years in 1979) followed in a population-representative sample until 1998 (i.e. the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth). We ...
Age, sex and race have an influence on the cardiac repolarization and therefore the QTc-interval. Racial differences are probably the result of the presence of considerable heterogeneity among race/ethnicity for multiple genetic loci that influence the QT-interval. Age- and sex-related differences in...
Valentino, Nicholas A., Carly Wayne, and Marzia Oceno. 2018. “Mobilizing Sexism: The Interaction of Emotion and Gender Attitudes in the 2016 US Presidential Election.”Public Opinion Quarterly82 (S1): 213–35.10.1093/poq/nfy003Search in Google Scholar ...
Providing culturally competent healthcare, critically in the Indigenous and Black pediatric population, may improve long-term outcomes by reducing discriminatory barriers to healthcare access. Keywords: childhood; discrimination; National Survey of Children’s Health; trends Racism is a social determinant ...
Population-based surveysHealth surveysAs the fastest-growing racial/ethnic group in the U.S., Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders (AANHPI) make up about 7% of the U.S. population. AANHPIs represent more than 50 ethnic groups and speak over 100 different languages, but ...
Yet, the recruitment of racial/ethnic minority older adults is often a challenging and resource intensive undertaking [3, 4]. Creativity, adaptability, and targeted strategies are critical to ensuring that this underserved population is successfully recruited toward improving population health and health ...