Texas6912514 Florida7216310 New York6215914 Pennsylvania791146 Illinois7014611 Ohio801225 Georgia573247 North Carolina682138 Michigan781436 As the table above shows,Californiahas the highest proportion of Asian Americans across the top 10 states, comprising 15% of the population. ...
— The only country with more than two-thirds of its population lacking access to affordable healthcare and a half-million families facing bankruptcy every year because somebody got sick, — The only country in the developed world where over 40% of the population carries $220 billion in medical...
2.2 Study Population The study population comprised people who resided in California between 2005 and 2019. We used census block group-level sociodemographic data from the 5-year averaged ACS for three periods: 2005–2009, 2010–2014, and 2015–2019. With the added temporal component of these ...
S114 Gender and Racial Disparities in Pancreatic Cancer Incidence in Texas: A Statewide Population-Based Analysis.doi:10.14309/01.ajg.0001028824.43179.beFasola, Ooreoluwa MDWolters KluwerThe American Journal of Gastroenterology
Explore Whitman College diversity statistics including racial demographics, ethnicity, gender ratio, undergrad enrollment, average ages of students and other Whitman student population stats.
For analyses of racial and ethnic representation, we also calculated “adjusted” population estimates of proportional representation by weighting according to the estimated proportion of trial participants in each state, to examine trial representation among states where the trials were actually conducted....
Anyway, it seems silly to call for a boycott of Texas’ films, as I imagine that would have little impact on her fan base. So why do I bring this sordid story up? Because, as I said in the lead paragraph, it was an opportunity to mention sex while still talking about race. Throw...
In a country where some 70 percent of the population favors the death penalty, many people may feel that Bundy got what he deserved. A further question, however, is whether U.S. taxpayers got their money's worth. When a single sentence of death can cost millions of dollars to carry out...
“aggregated” to obtain a large enough sample size, but authors note local stakeholders should “interpret the findings within the context of their communities.” If states didn’t meet population thresholds for certain racial and ethnic groups, those groups weren’t included in th...
Across the federal court system and in state supreme courts, there are similarly low levels of diversity. Why Is Diversity Important In The Judiciary? Given the diverse U.S. population, many have argued that the judiciary should reflect the population that it serves. Not only that, but the ...