This is the reality for two African-American authors in the 20th century. Over the history of the United States minorities have faced a numerous amounts of racism. The types of racism that was expressed to these minorities has evolved as time went on. Two authors decided to write about ...
This study examined relations between the incidence of workplace bullying and the everyday experiences of members of ethnic and racial minorities in the American workplace. Particular attention was paid to expressions of bullying that overtly or specifically refer to race or ethnicity, in the form ...
MacDonald (2003, p. 9) reported the high rates of minority stops and arrests do not accurately reveal racism was the cause. In the past our society has labeled this problem as being prejudice or a racist, but now there is a new term. "Minorities refer to it as DWB, driving while ...
Background: Despite long-standing recognition of the need to reduce racial-ethnic disparities in transplantation in the US, relatively little progress in implementing effective policy interventions to narrow disparities has been made. Racial-ethnic minorities experience substantially high rates of end-stage...
Incidents ofoutgroup discriminationdirected toward ethnic-racial minorities in the US have risen during recent years (U.S. Department of Justice,2018). Forms of ethnic-racial discrimination include overt forms of racism such as hate crimes (Thompson & Neville,1999) as well as subtler forms of bi...
Disparities in rates of surgical intervention among racial and ethnic minorities in Medicare accountable care organizations. Ann Surg. 2019;269(3):459-464. doi:10.1097/SLA.0000000000002695 PubMedGoogle ScholarCrossref 5. Skinner J, Weinstein JN, Sporer SM, Wennberg JE. ...
Participants were 49 years old, on average (SD = 9), 76% were assigned male sex at birth, 83% were African American/Black and 17% Latino, 34% were sexual minorities (i.e., non-heterosexual), and 22% were transgender/gender-nonbinary. All had indications of chronic poverty. Partic...
In sum, the Court was not the oppressor of racial minorities in the 1865-1908 period, nor was it, except on rare occasions, their savior. This finding would perhaps disappoint Alexander Hamilton (himself a founding member of the NY Manumission Society), but it should perhaps not surprise us...
Despite declines in racial segregation across most US metropolitan areas in recent years, racial and ethnic minorities still display uneven geographical access to jobs but consistently inferior to that of Whites. This article provides a detailed analysis of the factors driving racial and ethnic gaps in...
Every time you turn on the news, you see something negative about minorities. The white population commits the same crimes and the minorities, but the minorities are I totally agree with Marc Lamont Hill 's views on the racism that still exists in the world. Minorities are unfairly targeted ...