Meanwhile,Georgia’sethnic makeup includes 32% of Black Americans, the highest across the most populous states. As diversity has risen over the last decade, it has significantly influenced politics at both the state and national level. The state voted Republican for every presidential election from...
Bodinki Puerto Ricans Slur used by Portuguse in Hawaii Boffer/Boofer Blacks The Hawaiians or Polynesians call Blacks this name. Same as nigger in the United States. Bog-Jumper Irish Many bogs in Ireland Bog-trotter Irish Abundance of bogs in Ireland Bogan (1) Native Americans Male Native ...
While it is reassuring that the COVID-NET racial and ethnic makeup is similar to that of the US population (COVID-NET population: Latino, 14.1%; American Indian or Alaska Native, 0.7%; Asian or Pacific Islander, 8.9%; Black, 17.9%; White, 58.5%; U.S population: Latino, 18.5%; ...