Ruby Sales | TED Salon: Verizon • September 2018Read transcript "Where does it hurt?" It's a question that activist and educator Ruby Sales has traveled the US asking, looking deeply at the country's legacy of racism and searching for sources of healing. In this moving talk, sh...
Check out the latest coverage from Mashable on Racial Justice, including news, current trends, and more.
With scholarship and incisive commentary that exposes the marginalized narratives hidden within "mainstream" history, Brittney Cooper writes at the vanguard of cultural criticism. Brittney Cooper's resource list This talk was presented at an official TED conference. Read our curation guidelines.Watch...
TED Talk Individual and institutional racism and how they connect. YWCA Interview Why did Debby write the book? Subscribe to My Newsletter Receive occasional emails about upcoming events, recommended resources, and short writings. Subscribe Here
In addition to the president, the nation's highest court sides with those who support capital punishment. Under the leadership of Chief Justice Rehnquist, the Supreme Court has moved to limit the number of appeals a death row inmate may file, arguing that endless appeals serve only to undermin...
Uprooting Racism : How White People Can Work for Racial Justice (2nd Edition).Vancouver, CA, USA: New Society Publishers, 2002. p 128. ' W ) verr c nt ret r e ats, new age spir i tual gr oups - a D mimic our ...
Because the criminal justice system currently provides little institutional protection against discriminatory exercise of police and prosecutorial discretion, this Note proposes a two-step revision to federal sentencing practices to empower federal judges to combat racially biased law enforcement. By removing ...
But it can be revealed in a way to satisfy reason and advance justice.The great scientists did not use the academic/scientific thinking paradigm. They used a thinking paradigm that applied intuition in the first instance of perception (the stage in which they discovered their theories, all of ...
More immediately, movements for racial and ethnic justice, stoked in particular by the murder of George Floyd in May 2020, have pushed questions of racial and ethnic equity to the fore in every part of society. Many institutions of higher e...
Our brains create categories to make sense of the world, recognize patterns and make quick decisions. But this ability to categorize also exacts a heavy toll in the form of unconscious bias. In this powerful talk, psychologist Jennifer L. Eberhardt explo