Do you lose racial feats when Reincarnated out of your race? Xanathar’s Guide to Everything introduces racial feats (ex: Bountiful Luck for halflings). My understanding of the Reincarnate spell is that if you were a variant human and become something else, you lose the variant human’s star... The general answer was for water genasi that you would retain your swim speed, but not anything else. The air genasi can use unending breath (while conscience). However, upon further inspectio...
So, here's the D&D 5e races, reinterpreted as background qualities that can apply to any race: Tough Con +2 Adv on saving throws against poison Resistance to poison damage and one of: Wis +1, HP +1/hit die Str +2, proficient in light/med armor Fae-Blooded Dex +2 Proficiency with ...