book,croci,crocus,daisies,David Niven,Diane Setterfield,garden,heather,homemade bread,Juliet Stevenson,kitchen,lake,NHS,Once Upon a River,Sarah Winman,snowdrops,sourdough,spring,sun,sunshine,The moon’s a balloon,Tin man,walk,walking
beachbook,Channel 4,chicken Korma saladcoast,cob nuts,conkers,Cornwall,countryside,England,field,flowers,hazelnuts,iPlayer,ITVX,horse chestnuts,lily,plums,Portwrinkle,Rachel Hore,Ruby speaking,salads,sprouting lentils,summer,sunflower field,sunflowers,Taking Stock,the hidden years,the power of Par...
And yes, mystery matters in Rachel’s prose poems. The real shimmers then moves to become off-real, startling and strange; and then slips and slides back to the everyday, the usual, the humdrum. I read each poem and see it as a startling painting, or a short film where themise en ...
The first tomato. I bought two varieties this year; yellow Golden Sunrise and Gardener’s Delight, a red cherry. The pepper plants look ready to fruit too. I’ve grown extra to swap with family this weekend. I’ve baked wholemeal and a white seeded – poppy, sunflower and pumpkin – ...
Evening walks with that gorgeous golden light as the sun gets lower, has been a treat this May Liking: how green everything is, May is one of my favourite months. Colour everywhere Wondering: when to stop this to make my hair appointment on time Loving: sleeping well (not the last two...
The main areas of the cathedral are decorated beautifully with Christmas trees and fresh floral displays. I bet Carol services sound fabulous with the acoustics of the building Like this a lot but I was itching to tidy that stray book up ...
Cooking: The days were mostly been so warm at the beginning of the month that I haven’t made a single batch of soup yet. (Plus being unwell for the whole of September didn’t feel like chop, chop, chopping … ) Latterly I’ve eaten porridge with maple flavoured golden syrup and cho...