The Rachel Maddow Show IMDb rating The IMDb rating is weighted to help keep it reliable.Learn more YOUR RATING Rate User ratings It looks like we don't have any ratings for this title yet.Be the first to contribute. More from this title ...
The ratings for all cable news could approach record highs on Monday. And yet, NBC admitted it could not trust the faces of its cable news morning show to conduct the news responsibly. Joe Scarborough is arguably the face of MSNBC, with Rachel Maddow limiting her appearance to just once a...
"Oregon is better than everyone else right now when it comes to weird news," Maddow said on her Tuesday show. And when it comes to getting ratings, anything goes -- even if it means her mockery occasionally must cross political boundaries. Her examples of recent Oregon news weirdness: theK...
The Rachel Maddow Showpremiered on Sept. 8, 2008. It was the Monday after the Republican National Convention introduced Palin and her “you betcha” brand of populism to an electorate already in full swoon overBarack Obama. It was an auspicious beginning for Maddow. On her very first night ...
* The newWashington Post/ABC Newspollfound Hillary Clinton's favorability ratings trending up in recent months. In May, she was underwater at 45-49 favorable-unfavorable, while the new results show those figures largely reversed at 52-45. ...
Looking closer, we can also examine new presidents' net approval ratings -- approval minus disapproval -- and find that Trump trails each of his modern predecessors by more than 30 percentage points.But what I found especially notable were thedisapprovalnumbers. FromGallup's report: ...
* With House Speaker Paul Ryan (R) retiring, Larry Sabato's Crystal Ball ratings now list the race for his Wisconsin district as a "toss-up," from "likely Republican." * While the Ryan news is going to get far more attention, Rep. Dennis Ross (R-Fla.) also announced this morning ...
* Ted Cruz's favorability ratings have taken a sharpturn for the worseover the last couple of weeks, coinciding with his escalating feud with Trump. * President Obama and Bernie Sanders don't have a strong personal relationship, but the senator will visit the White House todayfor a private ...
* Did the Democratic debate score as many viewers as the Republican debates? No,but"preliminary Nielsen ratings indicate that CNN's Tuesday night debate was the highest-rated Democratic debate ever." * Carly Fiorina, boosted by a strong debate performance last month, raised$6.8 millionin third ...
But with Maddow’s daily show nearing an end, and Williams’ future up in the air, “MSNBC will look very different by spring,” one of the sources said. Correction: A previous version of this article misidentified Mark Shapiro. Related More...