I added astatic controllerto the controller selection. So you can still usereal conditionswith Sol Planner app. If you drivechallenges, please use thedynamic Sol 2.5controller and set the start weather to "Predefined". It will use then the weather from the event, but you can still select you...
Spoiler: FPS loss with Sol 2.1 Spoiler: No lightning bolts and no thunder Spoiler: Gray/Winter or colored/autumn textures troubleshooting Spoiler: Sol's Post Processing filters Spoiler: Configure Sol ingame Please install Sol manually, as it is described in the guide! Sol is a weather ...
Content Manager (Full version) free lite version here: https://assettocorsa.club/content-manager.html Assetto Corsa Dream Pack 2 for Catalunya circuit Assetto Corsa Red Pack DLC for RedBull circuit SOL 1.5: https://www.racedepartment.com/downloads/sol.24914/ Custom Shaders patch v1.46: Link...
Drag and drop my weather_plans folder to; YourPc:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\assettocorsa\extension\weather-controllers\sol\Activated from SOL PLAN SELECTOR Dynamic weather plan on right side of the screen when racing RAINFX I have also baked in the RainFX configs for all the ...
PHOTOREALISTIC FILTER This is a project I've been working on for some time now. It uses Sol and CSP to try to achieve realism in Assetto Corsa And if you're interested on donating. You don't have to, just share the filter and help other people. Let's try to make this place better...
SOL 1.6or higher:https://www.racedepartment.com/downloads/sol.24914/ Custom Shaders patch v1.60or higher: Link in 'readme' file Please note:Its a WIP andis not an actual representation but more of a best-effort just for fun Well, the Formula One season is over and it's time to pl...
There’s also an included optional lighting.ini file, for those who aren’t using SOL or Pure, as the default file has the sunlight(and therefore shadows) coming from the... Gregz0r Resource Aug 26, 2023 1997 cameras cams melbourne replay cameras replays Category: AC Misc SpeedForce ...
Reactions: solrider666, stenovitz, Deleted member 197115 and 1 other person D Deleted member 197115 Aug 2, 2023 gamma123152 said: AMS2 has a way better racing experience to me. It's subjective but to me the cars simply feel more alive in AMS2 and less artificial than ACC. No ne...
if this is because of CSP i suggest you update it to be fully compatible with the mod as more and more players are sing it as well as either SOL/Pure ...in my case pure (paid version) cheers Upvote 18 Downvote iceninja4 5.00 star(s) Sep 24, 2023 Version: 1.52 Great wee th...
along with a million PP filters out there to sort through with PURE and SOL too, and the AI has no particular standouts as being anything special to race against, which for a racing title is a fundamental issue for those who don't do online racing. Take modding away from AC and it ...