Note: The power supply can drive RED, GREEN and BLUE color, please use battery to drive YELLOW, FUCHSIA, AQUA and WHITE color. Packaging & Delivery Selling Units: Single item Single package size: 77.5X26.4X12.4 cm Single gross weight:...
Driver Station UI modified to have color background for current voltage (green=good, yellow=caution, red=danger, extremely low voltage). javadoc improved (edits and additional classes). Added app build time to About activity for driver station and robot controller apps. Display local IP addresses...
June 1, 2017 137 Comments After finishing the installation of the ROS packages on the Jetson RACECAR, we need to program the VESC, an electronic speed controller, for use in the Jetson RACECAR. Looky here: Background As discussed inPart 3 – ESC Motor Controller, the TRAXXAS steering servo...
above the pink frames indicate the confidence scores of the detection results. As shown inFigure 6, the damage positions in the image were detected using the trained model. However, when the bounding boxes that indicated damage overlapped, as shown in the yellow frame inFigure 6, the ...