Latino Homicide: Race and EthnicityRiedel, Marc
Nationality.It is also connected to one’s ties to a specific nation, such as the Philippines. In this instance, a person could describe theirethnicityasFilipino, whether or not they personally speakTagalog. Many white Americans traditionally identify theirethnicityas Irish or German, as another ex...
Even though race and ethnicity refer to different aspects of a person’s identity, they are often related. It makes sense that people from the same place may share ethnic markers and racial features. It’s important to remember, though, that this isn’talwaysthe case and we shouldn’t make...
"Being brown in Dixie: race, ethnicity, and Latino immigration in the new South." in Latinos : exploring diversity and change. Boulder, Colo.: FirstForumPress.Lippard, Cameron and Charles Gallagher, eds. 2011. Being Brown in Dixie: Race, Ethnicity, and Latino Immigration in the New South....
Being Brown in Dixie: Race, Ethnicity, and Latino Immigration in the New South. Boulder, CO: First Forum Press; 2011.Lippard, Cameron and Charles Gallagher, eds. 2011. Being Brown in Dixie: Race, Ethnicity, and Latino Immigration in the New South. Boulder, CO: First Forum Press....
Race vs. Ethnicity Race and ethnicity can overlap. For example, aJapanese-American would probably consider herself a member of the Japanese orAsian race, but if she doesn't engage in any practices or customs of herancestors, she might not identify with the ethnicity, instead considering herself...
21 Fourth, the NEMSIS data faces all the complexities of categorizing race and ethnicity as does all social science research on US populations. We recognize certain distortions, such as the inclusion of Hispanic and Latino patients, who could also self-report other races, as solely Hispanic and ...
Note on terminology: Throughout this paper, we apply the race and ethnicity categories described in the 1997 document “Office of Management and Budget Revisions to the Standards for the Classification of Federal Data on Race and Ethnicity”1. This includes Hispanic/Latino ethnicity, and race categ...
The process of Latino self-identification, both racially and ethnically, is of limited conversation among educators. The research on Latinos focuses on either their ethnic construction or absence of including a racial identification. This article focuses on the span of research about ethnicity and rac...